Oh man you guys. I've been on vacation like crazy this month! I'll tell you guys a little bit about each one cause they all rocked a lot.

I went to Duluth with Melanie and Taylor a couple weeks ago. That was totally wonderful. Vacations with my two best friends since 6th grade are always wonderful but this is the first one we've done without any parents so that was pretty fun. We went to Duluth MN and stopped in Minneapolis on the way up. That was really fun. Then we went to Duluth and hung out on the shoreline for a while. The lighthouse there is also really gorgeous. Then for Melanie's birthday we dressed up and went to a fancy Italian Restaurant. It was really great. I miss Melanie and Taylor a lot so having a whole vacation with them was glorious.

Then came Apple River about a week later! Whooo! Apple River is when the Prairie Repertory Theatre kids drive up to Apple River and tube down the river while drinking. It was so much fun. The river trip was exciting because we had about 27 tubes all attached with twine. The real excitement began when the twine started snapping though. We lost a few people and had to stop our large group until they caught up. It was so great. I lost one of my flip flops to the river pretty much right away...so then I spent the rest of the trip asking the River Gods to return it to me and making sacrifices of beer and water. And I never got my shoe back...but it was lots of fun. Then we all got off the river into the 105 degree weather and set up camp. We were all dripping sweat and it was not the greatest. Austin and I tried to take a nap but we were really just too overheated to do anything but complain. Thank god around midnight the temperature dropped enough that sleeping became possible. Before that though we all sat around the campfire and told ridiculous stories. Jacob Hofer and I told the story of the Medacrane. That's a classic if you've been in Lincoln High School the past 10 years. Then Austin and I slept quite a bit in our tent. We named the tent the "Loveshack" cause it was little and only we could fit in it. The next morning Austin, Jacob, Aarron, Devon and I went to Perkins and feasted on delicious pancakes followed by a full day at the Amusement park in the Mall of America. It was really great to spend so much time with Austin. I liked it better when we were alone in our tent. There was one individual around the campfire who was trying pretty hard to make me feel guilty about being with Austin. And here comes the rant...and I know only this guy will understand it.
You keep comparing yourself to Snape? And I'm Lily Potter? Well guess what? Every woman makes a choice about who she is going to be with. Lily chose James. And I chose Austin. You can hate me for that. And say that I don't care. I do care. I care enough that you can still hurt me. I just don't care enough to dump Austin and date you. So please just get over it. Because you're not going to be able to ever be around me again if you can't deal with your feelings.
Anyways...I'm currently on my third vacation. With my family up in Sugar Lake. That's in Northern Minnesota. And it's totally gorgeous up here. I am feeding a chipmunk that lives on my back porch on the cabin that we're renting. His name is Flicka and he's so cute! :D
I'll write more later darlings.