I'm chilling the living room of my mom's friend Deb! :D and their dog pompom is just adorable! I love it a lot.
So, I love how basically this whole winter break has been a romance with gregory...it's been a lot of fun actually. I think the deadline adds to things a little...since when this break is over he'll go back to brookings and I'll barely be able to see him. Legit, friday nights are about it. And so as for a legitimate relationship I think we have to wait for a while...until the summer anyway. Which seems just fine to me. I can finish out the year with a few flirtations maybe but know I have a good guy there for me!
OH MY GOSH GREAT STORY! so a couple nights ago greg came and got me from my mom's cause I didn't wanna be there and we went back and hung out at his house for about four hours, and he was driving me back home and we were flirting and stuff. Well, we were out in the country and just kinda messing around when I distracted him so much he actually drove right into a ditch! LOL and we couldn't get the car out so Justin had to come save him. Honestly, one of the funnest nights I've had in a while. Especially since neither one of us were angry, we were just too busy laughing at our idiocy!
Its been a good break...:D

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Oh joy...
So my mother told me today that we are putting my dog Jasper to sleep tomorrow morning. It's odd really, knowing a member of my family will no longer be there in twenty four hours. I wonder, does he sense it? Is it like a count down clock somewhere up in heaven? I wonder what my clock says.
I am so so sorry my boy. My sweetie dog...dear thing, how am I to tell you that your time on this plane is done with?
I hope you shall ascend my dear. To heaven, and love. I hope...
I am so so sorry my boy. My sweetie dog...dear thing, how am I to tell you that your time on this plane is done with?
I hope you shall ascend my dear. To heaven, and love. I hope...
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Gah! I hate this snow! lol
I'm fine with snow in moderation but this is insane! Ugh...lol and yes I'm mostly cranky cause greg and I had a date today and now it's looking like I'm not gonna be able to get out of my driveway...which upsets Libby...
Restless...there's a word for me! Cause right now I am so bored...the only time I've left the house for two days is when we hiked to my step dad's parent's house (they live five blocks away) and then back. UGH! I want out lol
I feel like a dog scratching at the door...
Hmmmmmm...not much else to tell kittens! Except have a brilliant day that delights your very core! :D
Restless...there's a word for me! Cause right now I am so bored...the only time I've left the house for two days is when we hiked to my step dad's parent's house (they live five blocks away) and then back. UGH! I want out lol
I feel like a dog scratching at the door...
Hmmmmmm...not much else to tell kittens! Except have a brilliant day that delights your very core! :D
Friday, December 25, 2009
It's My Mother's Birthday!

Merry Christmas blah blah blah blah blah...ugh i have like thirty of those text messages! Lol. And I got some pretty cool stuff for xmas...a fifty dollar gift card for Hot Topic and a really nice speaker system for my ipod...plus some clothes and all that jazz!
Tonight I have to go to my step dad's parents house for supper. Yeah, I'm not very excited for that one...but hey I am enjoying how much fun being trapped in the house is. I get along with Kenzie the best right around now because we have to lol. We went out and built a fort in the snow! Only then I didnt have snowpants so my jeans got soaked through lolz. So she won because she was more resiliant than I...damn snowpants...lol
So I am watchin a lot of sappy christmas movies with my mom and I think maybe they're starting to brainwash me! Gah! noooooooooooooo lol
OH. and in case you wanted to know...kayaking down a hill doesn't work nearly as well as sleds do...Kenzie and I tried and failed...:DDDD
Sunday, December 20, 2009
I'm enjoying my life...
I realized today that I wake up with a smile like I used to. And not just because of boys.
Because I'm happy again. I have a decent job, friends I love...last night morgan, merecedes, and I went shopping and it was the best time...lol we ended up ordering at Wendy's in an Irish accent and then giving the drive up guy a piece of Mercy's poki (japenese candy). It was really flipping great! :D
Oh I wish sunshine to all of you!
Because I'm happy again. I have a decent job, friends I love...last night morgan, merecedes, and I went shopping and it was the best time...lol we ended up ordering at Wendy's in an Irish accent and then giving the drive up guy a piece of Mercy's poki (japenese candy). It was really flipping great! :D
Oh I wish sunshine to all of you!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Heaven's not a place you go when you die...
Howdy kittens! So, a lot has happend the past couple of days! :D
Last night I went on a double date with Jake and Erin and me and Greg! It was actually really fun...except Greg and I got yelled at by the guy in front of us for cracking jokes the whole time. Legit though I recommend 'Avatar'. It's a really great metaphor for how our culture wipes out other cultures for money.
Greg makes me laugh a lot. Together we're kind of like an improv comedian group...legit it's hilarious. I'm really glad that he's around. I'm still pretty shell shocked from my last relationship, but I think that if i take things slow, I could love him. But that would be a long ways off. Right now he and I are just kind of chillaxing with each other in a flirtatious manner!
That's all for now dearies!
Last night I went on a double date with Jake and Erin and me and Greg! It was actually really fun...except Greg and I got yelled at by the guy in front of us for cracking jokes the whole time. Legit though I recommend 'Avatar'. It's a really great metaphor for how our culture wipes out other cultures for money.
Greg makes me laugh a lot. Together we're kind of like an improv comedian group...legit it's hilarious. I'm really glad that he's around. I'm still pretty shell shocked from my last relationship, but I think that if i take things slow, I could love him. But that would be a long ways off. Right now he and I are just kind of chillaxing with each other in a flirtatious manner!
That's all for now dearies!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
So, I'm really excited for Friday. Greg makes me laugh a lot and he's just overall a really nice guy!
My step sister Jess and her son Joachin are here visiting. I'd never met my own step nephew until now, and he's a sweetie. Jess is really cool too. She's just like me in the way that she can charm everyone around her with her charisma...it's creepy lol. You guys should see us talking to someone. Between the two of us we kind of hypnotize em! WIN! lol...
Sundays at work are always going to be interesing b/c it's just me and Alex all day. I feel bad for the kid. Too many hours and not enough pay! They work him too darn hard. Plus, I'm kind of worried that he'll find a new job and quit. Cause then I'll quit. Cause I don't do no alex science centers.
I'm doing so much better. I feel warmth and happiness inside. Today I found out something about Claire and Sean, and how close they are, and it didn't hurt. I was just like 'oh.' Which I thought was a very nice improvement on what has been happening lately!
Well, i'm going to bed! Night peoples! I loves yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu.
My step sister Jess and her son Joachin are here visiting. I'd never met my own step nephew until now, and he's a sweetie. Jess is really cool too. She's just like me in the way that she can charm everyone around her with her charisma...it's creepy lol. You guys should see us talking to someone. Between the two of us we kind of hypnotize em! WIN! lol...
Sundays at work are always going to be interesing b/c it's just me and Alex all day. I feel bad for the kid. Too many hours and not enough pay! They work him too darn hard. Plus, I'm kind of worried that he'll find a new job and quit. Cause then I'll quit. Cause I don't do no alex science centers.
I'm doing so much better. I feel warmth and happiness inside. Today I found out something about Claire and Sean, and how close they are, and it didn't hurt. I was just like 'oh.' Which I thought was a very nice improvement on what has been happening lately!
Well, i'm going to bed! Night peoples! I loves yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
I relapsed...
So it seems that just when i'm getting better from my illness it gets worse again! UGH! Oh wells...
Hmmmm...well it looks like I'm finding happiness again. I have a date on Friday with a boy that makes me laugh, which right now is exactly what I need :) And I have a few other prospects besides him...nobody super serious though. Right now, I think I'm just reveling in me. I enjoy who I am and what I do.
I love you all. Each and every one is so special...
Hmmmm...well it looks like I'm finding happiness again. I have a date on Friday with a boy that makes me laugh, which right now is exactly what I need :) And I have a few other prospects besides him...nobody super serious though. Right now, I think I'm just reveling in me. I enjoy who I am and what I do.
I love you all. Each and every one is so special...
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Singing hey na na na na na na.....

Back on the block, really nothing but talk...
I am home sick today. Just a little shoutout, thanks Rich. For adding me, and for giving my heart the sunshine it needs when so much seems dark. I think we knew each other in a past life, yes yes I do...
I watched 'Alice' on Scy Fy last night...oh dear I love it so much. It's been a while since a movie or anything grabbed my interest like that! Here's the Hatter. He's my favorite character! :D
My favorite line of his is when alice asks him why he would help her after she crawls out of a lake soppin' wet. And his answer:
Do I need an excuse to help a pretty girl in a...very wet dress?
Love it.
Dear Ziggy,
Oh dearling...I wish that I had the magic words to help you. I wish I could strangle them both and laugh when they died. But I know you wouldn't want that in the end...I guess I'm not much help. All I can say is...be strong like I know you are. Stop drinking so much. Alex made a mistake giving you that bottle. You need to learn to deal with the sorrow minus alcohol. I mean, yeah it certainly is tons of fun! :D not saying you need to stop it altogether...but you should slow it down. I love you, I don't want a dead friend....
P.S. You're not Digornio ;)
Sunday, December 6, 2009
When advice comes from the oddest places...

There's me and Natasha in our cute formal dresses! And my dress was actually kelly green but you can't see it in this picture? lol whatever! I had SO MUCH FUN
I think it's just been so long since I cut lose in a good way? Yeah...yeah it really is. Because I've been so angry for so long! But when I was at the dance all the stress just kind of melted away and I got the chance to just be myself! I danced on the speaker like a whore! It was great! And the best part was that I didn't feel self concious...cause I looked hot. And I knew it. And so it didn't matter that I was acting out because I pulled it off. Maybe that's egotistical? But I dont' care! I looked hella hot! :DDDDDDDDDD
I was at work today and Alex was being a really big sweetie...well to me anyways. I'm pretty sure in his own head he didn't see it as anything big...but I did. He's older than me, and I look up to Alex cause he seems to always have a plan. I have...no plan. Lol I have silly-ness. But anyways, he's just really nice to me lately. He gives me great advice, and I feel like I can trust him. Which I do not do easily, as I've made obvious in my last couple posts. I was talking to him on facebook and he said:
libby your a good kid.
your ex is a doushe
you'll be the happy one in the end
ps, proud of your letter that's in the news paper :)
your ex is a doushe
you'll be the happy one in the end
ps, proud of your letter that's in the news paper :)
Idk...it really helped with my mood!
Love and Peace my dears
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Remembering Sunday, She falls to her knees...

How do you suppose the moon sees the world? Do you think she's disapointed in the human race? She only sees us in the dark, it can't be flattering...
Do you think that she and the sun are in love? I think they were...I think they're doomed to stay away when they wish they could think of the words to be close again. But you cannot speak if you cannot understand.
I think I don't like Thursdays. No, not all...I know what they entail now. I will be able to shield myself easier now.
Madison, don't you see that formal would have been a party? And you didn't need to lie on facebook...you coulda just said the truth. Obviously you don't wanna go cause Sean and I are fighting. I get it. I still wish you'd attend.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Fall through like change in the daylight!

TODAY WAS SUCH A GOOD DAY! No terrible, crushing depression or anything! And I actually ate something for the first time in a week! :O
Lol...ugh yeah sorry to scare any of you...I just found that if I didn't sleep or eat then I couldn't feel. So I proceeded to do so...but I'm doing both now!
I saw Travis Atwood at the mall! What a nice kid he is! :D
BE HAPPY! No matter who you are or what you are or how I know you. Be happpy! It's a brilliant thing!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Am I a terrible person?
For hating them both? For trying to swallow it so I can move on? For trying to be there for Claire. I know that I need to be. That she'll need me. But it still feels like a betrayal. And that's hard. But I am so much more angry at Sean. It's like comparing a candle to a forest fire. And I have finally figured out what makes me so goddamn mad...
1. You're not over me. Don't lie. That's not me being egotistical or whatever. Fuck that. I know you felt for me what I felt for you and I KNOW there is no way in hell you 'have positively no feelings for me'
2. which leads me to number two. Sean's not being fair to Claire. Hell, she herself told me that Sean wouldn't fight with me so much if he didnt still care about me.
3. I'm disgusted with his weakness. I know there is more strength in him. Or do I? huh...
4. I never really knew Sean. He's just like Addison and Rich. Cause he uses girls, they fall in love, and then he moves on and doesn't give a fuck who he hurts. Sound familiar? Apologies Rich, you're better now, but before Shelbi this is how you acted. And if he's just like them, how am I ever supposed to able to trust a boy again...? I can't. I really can't. Cause it's impossible to know people...
Stop playing the goddamn matyr Lemke. You do NOT get to do that. You moved on fast, and now you're happy. You have can have a girlfriend, or you can bitch about your life. Not both.
I'm so angry all the time...and I think it's time to run.
1. You're not over me. Don't lie. That's not me being egotistical or whatever. Fuck that. I know you felt for me what I felt for you and I KNOW there is no way in hell you 'have positively no feelings for me'
2. which leads me to number two. Sean's not being fair to Claire. Hell, she herself told me that Sean wouldn't fight with me so much if he didnt still care about me.
3. I'm disgusted with his weakness. I know there is more strength in him. Or do I? huh...
4. I never really knew Sean. He's just like Addison and Rich. Cause he uses girls, they fall in love, and then he moves on and doesn't give a fuck who he hurts. Sound familiar? Apologies Rich, you're better now, but before Shelbi this is how you acted. And if he's just like them, how am I ever supposed to able to trust a boy again...? I can't. I really can't. Cause it's impossible to know people...
Stop playing the goddamn matyr Lemke. You do NOT get to do that. You moved on fast, and now you're happy. You have can have a girlfriend, or you can bitch about your life. Not both.
I'm so angry all the time...and I think it's time to run.
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