Earlier I said that I didn't like the term 'falling in love' and I'd say that still goes...I figured a better sentence! Or term...
Wandering into love. It's like exploring a new place...say you come to the edge of some unknown woods that you'd like to see more of. You wander in a little bit. Get to know the person more...and there are beautiful things to be seen. Gorgeous, wonderful, fantastic things that make your heart beat faster and your eyes almost explode because there's so much to take in...but you keep wandering. Because at this point you don't have a choice. You have to see whats deeper...till eventually you do. And once again it's...infinitely more gorgeous and warm than you could ever imagine...
This relates to my life because Greg gets better every day. I am so happy :)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Imma go to sleeeeeeeeeeeep soon
Today was a shitty day at work and yesterday was too. i get really angry at people who yell at me when the problem is so obviously NOT MY FAULT. I don't fucking control when a pipe breaks and gets water in the projector. Sorry i'm not a water bender...
I had dinner with Taylor tonight. It was great. We talked for two and a half hours. It was really quite lovely. I adore talking to him because he understands my brain so much better than I can ever explain.
On a sidenote...I hate my mom when she talks during TV shows. Something amazing and emotional will happen, and she'll ruin it by talking. ugh ugh ugh. Whatever. We just need to learn to savor emotions.
gregory is really just what I need...it's fantastic :)
I had dinner with Taylor tonight. It was great. We talked for two and a half hours. It was really quite lovely. I adore talking to him because he understands my brain so much better than I can ever explain.
On a sidenote...I hate my mom when she talks during TV shows. Something amazing and emotional will happen, and she'll ruin it by talking. ugh ugh ugh. Whatever. We just need to learn to savor emotions.
gregory is really just what I need...it's fantastic :)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
There are places I remember...
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone, and some remain...
Huh...this song makes me feel nostalgic...
Here's a list of things I miss from my past...
1. I miss having dinners with Ziggy where he told me his problems, and listened to mine.
2. I miss Sean's friendship. It is probably not OK to say, but there it is
3. I miss Rich just in general. I miss the mischeif we would get into >:D
4. I miss adventures with Merecedes...but darling I'm getting another car. So we'll have plenty of those :)
5. I miss Taylor Trimble. The clock is ticking...he'll leave and I'll die a little
Here's a list of things I'm nervous about in the present:
2. What I'm going to major in...
3. If I'll measure up to what people expect from me
4. If I'll fuck up my new relationship
5. I'm nervous I'm not enough to do what I want
Here's a list of things I'm excited for in the future:
1. College
2. Seeing the person I'll become
3. The Weekend
4. For the Theatre II show to be OVER
5. Love
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone, and some remain...
Huh...this song makes me feel nostalgic...
Here's a list of things I miss from my past...
1. I miss having dinners with Ziggy where he told me his problems, and listened to mine.
2. I miss Sean's friendship. It is probably not OK to say, but there it is
3. I miss Rich just in general. I miss the mischeif we would get into >:D
4. I miss adventures with Merecedes...but darling I'm getting another car. So we'll have plenty of those :)
5. I miss Taylor Trimble. The clock is ticking...he'll leave and I'll die a little
Here's a list of things I'm nervous about in the present:
2. What I'm going to major in...
3. If I'll measure up to what people expect from me
4. If I'll fuck up my new relationship
5. I'm nervous I'm not enough to do what I want
Here's a list of things I'm excited for in the future:
1. College
2. Seeing the person I'll become
3. The Weekend
4. For the Theatre II show to be OVER
5. Love
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
hmmmm...here's what I think
I'm not sure if the term falling in love is accurate? I mean...falling implies it's something we cannot control. And when you fall you always hit something...so maybe we could call it wandering into love? A process where you feel like you're exploring an unknown planet, and you just want to run through it and see everything...
but patience my children...experience must be tempered with judgement...
Yeah I just quoted Origins. Say what you want about a show, but I enjoyed the writing. It wasn't so deep that I was lost, but deep enough to provoke thought. Certainly enough to convince me that we were set up from the start to fall. Which makes sense. Being God would be awfully boring if you only had two very well behaved children!
...Maybe Lucifer was right to fight...maybe I should fight too. Fight my superiors who are wrong. Fight every injustice I see in the world...
But I am so tired. A good man died a death he didn't deserve. And he was married to a Pastor who changed my life. How can I continue having faith when I can't even see that those who do are happy? Or am I dirtying it? I suppose true faith is something you're born into, not something you can learn quickly or superficially.
How can I have hope in a higher power when I don't have faith for what it created? For the human race? i wish I had answers...
I wish I had hope.
but patience my children...experience must be tempered with judgement...
Yeah I just quoted Origins. Say what you want about a show, but I enjoyed the writing. It wasn't so deep that I was lost, but deep enough to provoke thought. Certainly enough to convince me that we were set up from the start to fall. Which makes sense. Being God would be awfully boring if you only had two very well behaved children!
...Maybe Lucifer was right to fight...maybe I should fight too. Fight my superiors who are wrong. Fight every injustice I see in the world...
But I am so tired. A good man died a death he didn't deserve. And he was married to a Pastor who changed my life. How can I continue having faith when I can't even see that those who do are happy? Or am I dirtying it? I suppose true faith is something you're born into, not something you can learn quickly or superficially.
How can I have hope in a higher power when I don't have faith for what it created? For the human race? i wish I had answers...
I wish I had hope.
Have you ever just frozen? Looked around and wondered...why? Why am I here? What am I doing? Is it beneficial? To me? To the world? To anyone? Does anyone actually give a fuck?
For example, once this pointless class is over I'll go do some pointless teching...for a show that nobody will remember in five years. I feel like I'm floating...
Like there's not much to tie me down...here.
Lincoln doesn't need me anymore. I'm ready to move on.
For example, once this pointless class is over I'll go do some pointless teching...for a show that nobody will remember in five years. I feel like I'm floating...
Like there's not much to tie me down...here.
Lincoln doesn't need me anymore. I'm ready to move on.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
I so dearly wish...
Gregory came down from SDSU to see me today! :D Because...my sister's best friend's dad died. Sounds ridiculous, huh? That I would be upset by that...but guess what? He was married to the only woman who made me believe there was a god. Plus the Theatre II show was...difficult. IS difficult. I have to move many set pieces.
And design a fucking balcony! A GODDAMN SECRET BALCONY. for those of you that are like 'what?' yeah I know. Doesn't make much sense to me either. BECAUSE IT'S INSANE.
Seeing gregory was super nice though! We went to mcdonalds...and it was super nice. I miss him when he's not around
And design a fucking balcony! A GODDAMN SECRET BALCONY. for those of you that are like 'what?' yeah I know. Doesn't make much sense to me either. BECAUSE IT'S INSANE.
Seeing gregory was super nice though! We went to mcdonalds...and it was super nice. I miss him when he's not around
Monday, February 15, 2010
My pinky huuuuuuuuuuurts

So, I'm exhausted. Three days of work in a row. And the goddamn painted turtle Felix bit me and broke the skin on my pinky. I bled quite a bit. Not gonna lie, it was upsetting. So I took him out and made the little fucker run laps. Because I don't appreciate being bitten...
I love it when Mom blabbers on about stuff that I don't care about...I tune her out so flipping much.
I got a hair cut! not too drastic, but I got some bangs and also revamped my layers just a little bit. I like it a lot.
Valentines day was a treat! Greg got me some absolutely gorgeous orchids. They picture above is a crappy one I took with my phone but the beautiful colors are there! And I got him a Rise Against sweatshirt to replace the one that I kind of stole from from him... :) We also ordered in Chinese Food and watched 'Hes Just Not that Into You' (which Greg enjoyed a little bit I think) and also 'Blades of Glory'. I forgot how much I adored that movie. Lol I think my favorite line is when John Heder says 'Get out of my face!' and then Will says 'I'll get INSIDE your face!' oh yeah!
Well I love you all! <3
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I don't fucking know...
So the cast list for 'While the Lights Were Out' went up today. And I got the role I wanted...but...Tasha didn't get in. Now some of you might be thinking 'oh libby's fighting for sillyness again' Only I'm not. Arbies didn't cast Sean either. And that pisses me off. She should cast everyone in her fucking class. Those are the goddamn rules. So i renounced the title and instead chose to be a stage manager. Now, this way I'm helping Annie not kill herself AND i honestly think I'll have more fun this way. Also, I really am applying for a Theatre scholarship and I do need to put some stage time on there somewhere other than acting. Just sayin'...oh and building the balcony is really being an issue. Cause Arbies is REALLY unrealistic about what she wants for this set. For Christ sake you can't put a flipping blue sky drop in the Little Theatre! It just cannot be done. 'Nough said. Oh, and for Tech I can make my own hours. When I say we're done with Tech, we're done with Tech. AND after we get the balcony figured out we're pretty much done with Tech. So that's really nice!
Photography is going pretty good! I got my camera and I have dubbed it Artemis. Not going to lie. Right now we're doing a project on the principles and elements of design...so the pictures need to be pretty basic. So far I'm having funs with that.
Dear Gregory,
I adore you too ;) Oh, and you shouldn't think that you're ever going to beat me at a snowball fight...just saying...
Love, Libby
Merecedes darling I MISSSSSSSSSSSS YOU. A flipping lot...ugh. There's so much I am missing out on with your life I feel. And I am sorry I feel like you might need me and I just don't catch you enough. It's my fault...
Photography is going pretty good! I got my camera and I have dubbed it Artemis. Not going to lie. Right now we're doing a project on the principles and elements of design...so the pictures need to be pretty basic. So far I'm having funs with that.
Dear Gregory,
I adore you too ;) Oh, and you shouldn't think that you're ever going to beat me at a snowball fight...just saying...
Love, Libby
Merecedes darling I MISSSSSSSSSSSS YOU. A flipping lot...ugh. There's so much I am missing out on with your life I feel. And I am sorry I feel like you might need me and I just don't catch you enough. It's my fault...
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Well ladies and gents Greg finally found my blog...so howdy there gregory. You're cute!
try outs for the Theatre II show were today and that was great! Except not...I'm scared that I'll get cast being married to Sean. And then that'll be awkward...
try outs for the Theatre II show were today and that was great! Except not...I'm scared that I'll get cast being married to Sean. And then that'll be awkward...
Monday, February 8, 2010
annie are you ok? are you ok Annie?
You've been hit by, you've been struck by, a smooth criminal...
I must hold my tongue though it breaks my heart...
oh please please please not my little girl. The one I said I would protect. The one who means more to me than anyone can ever understand...
I must hold my tongue though it breaks my heart...
oh please please please not my little girl. The one I said I would protect. The one who means more to me than anyone can ever understand...
The girl who can read my mind and tell me what's wrong before I can even know.
Take my soul, take my blood, take my eyes. Hurt me world. Rob me of everything if it means that my Kenzi will not feel the taste of heartbreak.
I'll never forgive myself for this.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Today was a glorious day. Went ice skating...Greg taught me how. I'm not a quick learner though and I'm pretty sure he'll have to show me again next time we go. But, I figured something out about our relationship that makes it special. I can make mistakes in front of him without feeling self concious. It's been a while since that's happened. Because, when he says he doesn't care, he really doesn't. And that means a lot to me.
Tomorrow school picks up again...vomit...
oh went and saw Sherlock Holmes. Twas ok...I'm not a huge fan though.
Tomorrow school picks up again...vomit...
oh went and saw Sherlock Holmes. Twas ok...I'm not a huge fan though.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Adorable and Fun?! Wha??!?!
One act festival went very well I think! We'll find out tonight if we got a superior! I'm not going to the award ceremony though. I would rather stay home and sleep in. WAIT. then some of you say 'Libby it's eight in the morning! You're not sleeping in!' Well, this is where I point to Kenzi, and say hey it's her fault. She woke me up to ask about her outfit. And when I asked her why she had to do that she said 'Well it's over now isn't it?'
Yesterday was a good day. I went to the one act competition and that was really fun. Then Greg and I went to his house and hung out for five hours. Have you ever made out for five hours? I mean, good god, my jaw is actually sore. :D but it was tons of fun. He gave me a foot rub and it was probably the nicest nonsexual thing that a guy has done for me physically.
I am really tired, but excited for today. Greg and I are going to a movie. I might go prom dress shopping with my mom and my Aunt Jo. That's really fun.
Yesterday was a good day. I went to the one act competition and that was really fun. Then Greg and I went to his house and hung out for five hours. Have you ever made out for five hours? I mean, good god, my jaw is actually sore. :D but it was tons of fun. He gave me a foot rub and it was probably the nicest nonsexual thing that a guy has done for me physically.
I am really tired, but excited for today. Greg and I are going to a movie. I might go prom dress shopping with my mom and my Aunt Jo. That's really fun.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Totally exhausted...
We ran the show quite a bit today. Ugh, it's such a pain. But I think we'll do a good job. It's weird to think that last year at this time Addison had freshly dumped me! Holy shit...
I got my acceptance letter from SDSU today! I'm really excited for it! :D I wish I knew what my major was going to be...but whatevers I'll figure it out
I got my acceptance letter from SDSU today! I'm really excited for it! :D I wish I knew what my major was going to be...but whatevers I'll figure it out
Monday, February 1, 2010
Today was A good Day
I had a really great night last night with Gregory. I pretty much adore him. He's a sweetie pie...he gave me his sweatshirt and like pounds and pounds of my favorite candy. It was really fun. I think I'm gonna get him like five or six Seroogy's bars. His sweatshirt smells delicious...
I'm really nervous about financial aid for college. It's really messed up...ugh the forms. Honestly, without Kevin there to help me out with it I'd be really lost and kind of ready to choke a bitch. Oh, and speaking of Kevin, we were going to a financial aid meeting at the school and the brakes in his car gave out on the intersection of 33rd and minnesota and we just about died. But we didn't! So, that's nice.
I'm really nervous about financial aid for college. It's really messed up...ugh the forms. Honestly, without Kevin there to help me out with it I'd be really lost and kind of ready to choke a bitch. Oh, and speaking of Kevin, we were going to a financial aid meeting at the school and the brakes in his car gave out on the intersection of 33rd and minnesota and we just about died. But we didn't! So, that's nice.
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