Oh my gosh...so here I go...
top five rules of motherhood:
1. DO NOT EXPECT ANYTHING. Only want your child to be happy without hurting others majorly.
2. DO NOT PUSH YOUR FUCKING DEAD DREAMS ON YOUR KIDS. We know, you didn't accomplish it in your lifetime...suck it up and fucking deal. Stop making your kids make up for your mistakes
3. STOP POINTING OUT YOUR KIDS FLAWS...I know I'm not perfect mom. But god forbid you could be awesome enough to say 'good job libby'
4. NEVER ASSUME YOU KNOW MORE THAN YOUR CHILD. They will hate you for acting like you're superior.
5. STFU AND LISTEN. The kids are trying to talk. If you listen and put yourself aside for two fucking minutes you might learn something...
Huh...yeah those are some good ones! :D
Well...imma sleepy buuuuuuuur...
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