I went to my first college party last night! With Greg! It was quite the adventure. In order to understand this story, you have to get that in Middle School I had some problems. I drank a lot. Mostly by myself. And it took me a long time plus a Taylor and a Melanie to get over that. I am now...so when I got offered a beer at this party my first thought was 'be careful' so I said no.
But here's where the fun started :)
Greg and I are sitting there, laughing and having fun, when the girl hosting the party said 'Want a cigarrette?' (no i don't know how I spell that...) and we were like 'nah'
So, just to finish off the night, because we'd gone up two rungs on the crazy scale, we got offered pot. LOL. To which we refused again. But it was just funny because we kept expecting to get offered heroin next or something. :)
So, yeah Theatre here is a little different than before. The good news is that I honestly think if you don't drink at these parties, you're ok. Like, nobody is going to make you or laugh at you. So I feel like it's a bit different than high school in that way. That seems to be the biggest change from high school! Nobody gives a shit what you do, and what's 'cool' doesn't carry much weight here.
Overall my biggest challenge here is that I need to realize that drinking doesn't make people bad. I had this idea drilled into my brain in high school. but anyways, the people themselves are really nice and seem very cool.
So maybe in the future, I'll skip out on the parties. Oh! And the theatre peeps were telling me how I was already the directors' favorite freshman :)
So thats something
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