

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A list of things this world owes me...

So Isabel's blog kind of inspired me to write some things that I think I'm owed, but nobody's payed up yet...

1. My money back for this year of wasted education
2. A director's choice award from the man I slaved over everything for for four years
3. An award from the one act judges
4. My wasted time from countless relationships that did nothing but fuck me over for the next ones
5. Good food at SDSU since I'm paying ridiculous prices for jack shit
6. A better place to live
7. A thinner body
8. The ability to lose weight
9. My health back
10. My family back
11. My sister's car back
12. My childhood
13. My dad being single again so he actually gets of the fucking phone when I come home to visit

Hmmmm I think that might be it?

On a happier note, I got to go home last night. I saw fresh faces, which was really cute! And I got to see my family. Kenzie crashed her car :( and sprained her ankle. Now she needs this little boot thing to help straighten out her muscles or whatever. So if anyone would be willing to maybe lend my sister your foot, that'd be grand :)

DeRoos seems to be getting crankier and crankier every time I go back to see him. He's all snappy and he never really smiles unless he's making fun of someone. Or...maybe he's always been like that? And I just didn't notice? Garrett had to leave for a voice lesson and D wouldn't let him. So I sat there and played mediator between them because D won't listen unless I'm telling him things. UGH!

I'm going to USD next year! And I'm not sure about living arrangements yet. Erin really wants to live in these really nice apartments but I'm all conflicted because I don't think I can afford them even though I really want to. My other option though would be moving in with Greg, which I know my mom would flip out about, and there are really no nice apartments anywhere near campus.

But maybe it's a rite of passage to live in a shitty apartment your first time living with someone? Also, statistics show that living with someone can double your chances of breaking up :/ and people who are married who lived together first get divorced twice as often as couples who don't. So the numbers are kind of stacked against me on that front.

But what if Greg goes to USD and his roommate is awful? Then I'd feel like it was all my fault that he's got a shitty living situation! D: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

These are problems for tomorrow!

...and I'm hiding a hedgehog in my dorm until Thanksgiving...

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