Is it wierd that being around some of my friends makes me feel like i'm nine hundred years old? Like, some of them are always telling me about their drug and drinking and cigarette-induced good times, and all I can think is, 'I've already done that shit and figured out that it's not worth the issues it brings'...or experimenting with their sexuality? Already done it...it's odd as hell...makes me feel so flipping old! Lol...strange that I'm still only 16, and therefore I'm the youngest junior I know...hmmmmmmm odd-ness...
I hate my manager Jarod...he's a dick. Yesterday at work he threw a scoopfull of popcorn on the ground for me to clean up and said 'clean that up' so I did. Then he threw more. So I cleaned it up. Third time, I bounced. Clocked out, walked out. He let me come see a movie that night though, so I'm thinking I still have my job. Just to put in perspective for you how much of a dickwad he is, he calls all native americans prarie niggers and takes great joy in reminding me everyday that I'm a useless worker partially b/c I'm a girl, but also because I'm just a lazy little shit...his words, not mine. So I am currently looking for a new job!
But there's this other manager...John...oh goodness...he's hot as hell...and he likes me. And I like him. But he's too old (not sure on the age, but definetely too old...) and he says I drive him nuts because I'm 'jail bait hardcore' :) well it's been a while since I've been jailbait! Lol COUGH eric COUGH. What? nothing...tee hee...but seriously being jailbait has always been a fun game for me. It's really fun to have someone to flirt with. And someone to tell me I'm hot...and I just...idk it's been so long since I felt attractive I guess. It's nice to feel that...so when I leave my job I'll miss John hardcore...lol but I'm a tough little cookie, and the universe is designed to break your heart right?
Sean and I had our little coming to jesus talk...we decided we're just friends. Cuddley, hand holding, having crushes on each other friends...becasue we don't wanna date and find out that we suck at it, and then lose each other as friends afterward...its nice though. To know even if he has my heart, he's not gonna break it...relaxing...
Last little tid bit...I hate it when people invite my friends to things that I can't go to right in front of me. Thanks Travis, way to invite Mercy just b/c she's up for stuff I'm not. You could have just texted her. Way to make me feel like a n00b because I'm sober for a year now...
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