The prophets make it difficult...
Sorry, those are some lyrics from a really great song Merecedes gifted me with! :D creative writing we have to write a page about what we want our one page in the book of the universe to be...and here's mine...cause I really like it...
Libby’s eyes were remarkable. Very few humans could match that shade. They were so dark they almost could be called black. More importantly, their deep, fathomless pools had seen too much sorrow, cried too many tears, and seen too many wrongs in the world. Her mouth, the lower lip plumper then the top one had experienced enough frowns to know that every smile was a gift, something to be cherished. This girl was not really beautiful by any standards. She should have been, as she had clear skin pretty eyes, decent hair, a nice smile, and yet somehow these features had arranged themselves into a way in which she was, in fact, quite average looking.
She rarely ever entered a room without searching out someone to talk to, as that was her favorite activity, followed closely by writing. And in her search, Libby rarely had a situation where she didn’t know someone, at least as an acquaintance. There wasn’t really anything amazing about her that grabbed people’s attention except her never-ending capacity for conversation, no matter the topic. And yet she could listen, as so many extroverts rarely can. Libby could listen, and keep secrets without ever thinking twice about the effort.
She loved. Unconditionally and without restraint. It was Libby’s personal philosophy in life that mankind was capable of many terrible things, including hatred of its own species. She also believed that humans were more capable of love then anything else on the planet. Love was man’s redeeming quality. Love was the meaning and sole purpose of life. To love and be loved and to change people’s lives and brighten them with love.
Let me know what you think!
So Ziggy did this thing on his blog where he explained where he had been in his life, and cited this as the reason he was who he was...and I think I'll do that too!
So, In middle school I was pretty much an outcast. I had friends, but not anyone who was really very close to me. I was...odd too. I had too much of a taste for the darkness than anyone else I knew. And so i turned to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I know some of you are laughing right now, but this is why I never laugh at manga nerds or anything. Because I understand the NEED to escape to a world that accepts you. To a world you can understand. I was obsessed with Buffy all year, and it was all i could talk about, until I lost most of my friends...
Anyways, I was pretty much alone. All the time. I believe this is what shaped my ability to be on my own without being unhappy. In fact, I enjoy it. The quiet is nice. But mostly, in these times, I would sit in my room, blasting music and contimplating how to end my life bloodily...Avril Lavigne. Read her lyrics...idk I know nobody likes her anymore blah blah blah but if you get the chance read her lyrics 'Forgotten' that was my favorite song. Listen to it. You'll understand angry Libby more...ANYWAY these times toughened me up. I learned the importance of friends helping you up when taylor trimble came into my life. My first suicidal friend! He was just like me...different. I loved him immediately. As a friend btw.
It taught me that you need to save people for them to live. Everyone falls, everyone needs a hand. I also learned to be tougher. Life fucking kicks you in the ribs every chance it gets. It's just a matter of getting the fuck over it and moving on. Idk...I think I'm rambling...hope I helped though...
I love you've all changed my life...