So, last night Sean slept over at my dad's house because his mom took and sold most of his xbox games...which means that she's a douche bag extraordinare...wow what a bitch. i can't stand that stupid bitch! Seriously, some people shouldn't be allowed to have children. There should be a test they gotta pass first or something...
So, yeah there's been some terrible stuff going on...Becca caused this huge rip between Justin and Callie and now they're broken up. And seeing as today is, in fact, Saturday, I'm willing to bet that Justin is on his way to Oregon by now. Well, good riddens. the boy never caused anything but harm to any girl I met. Sure, he was funny, but it bordered on ridiculous, and what he did to callie is unforgivable. So fuck him. Go rot in Oregon Justin Williamson. I'll take care of the problems you caused here you coward.
In a way, it feels like when Elias left. I have all this anger and nobody to yell at...ugh. And I don't really blame Becca that much. I mean, yeah the girl keeps making shitty sexual decisions, and she did fuck with Merecedes one too many times for me to ever really like her again, but I understand that she was still in love with Justin. So most of the anger here is in Mr. Williamson's direction...
Ziggy and I had dinner at the diner Thursday night. that was pleasant! I really like hanging with Ziggy, since there's no pressure to help him with anything. I don't need to save him, or make him feel better about anything...hell if anything he's the one who saves me. It's nice though. Zig and I don't even have any chemistry, which makes things even better! :D
oh, and I really loved your last post Zig!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you too Sean, and I miss you darling!
Tasha, this postcard reminded me of you...not cause youre gay...but I'm sure you'll get it.
He's leaving tomorrow. He changed his deay of leaving to Sunday yesterday.
I get it. Probably cause you just explained it to me. :P