Well, first, there was Eric. My longest relationship. He and I ended because the love just wasn't there anymore...and honestly, even though there wasn't a connection between us I still missed him like hell just out of habit. You date someone for eight months, you get attached. I got over him just by...living. And there was quite a bit of time there were I was CERTAIN that I would never find anyone again. I would tell all my friends how 'boys didn't and wouldn't ever like me' well...that's an excuse ladies. Never give up on yourselves. You're beautiful. You'll find love. My breakup trick I learned here was to A) know when it's over, and end it. Don't just hang on forever and B) Get him out of your life. Don't see him anymore. You'll want to. Fuck it. Don't. He's icky and bad for your recovery...

Oh Addison...wat the fuck was this relationship about you might wonder? Well, I'll tell you. make outs...SO MANY MAKE OUTS. Lol, yeah it was basically a physical attraction here. He cheated on me in NY on a band trip. I found out many months later. And so we split. He had a new girl within the week. That made me feel awful. I had been used and lied to and of course I was an idiot for ever EVER FUCKING BELIEEVING HIM. Or that's what it felt like...only, I wasn't. If someone deceives you, it's not your fault. Especially when there was no way you could have stopped it. These men, these cheaters, are idiots because yeah hook-ups are fun. But love is better. And they'll neveer realize that...so breakup tip here: It's not your fault. And never be afraid that you're not good enough. With addison specifically I took on a view in life that I'm the only person that I'll ever have, so I should make myself interesting. I picked up Karate with a new passion, and I started realizing I love myself! :D
Which, my friends, brings me to the single most painful experience of my life. I still refer to it as the 'Atomic Bomb Incident' because I'm still figuring out who got cancer and health problems from it. I barely survived this one. And this boy reads my blog.
Sean, I'm only saying this stuff cause I really think some people need to know how to get through it like I did. PLease don't hold it against me.

Seany Boy here was the first boy that I fell into deep deep love with. We had a really good friendship before our relationship, and the connection was strong. I think that's why it ended so badly. We went up in flames. And then he started dating a girl who I thought was my friend. Again, over it. But at the time I took to not eating for days at a time. I would avoid sleep entirely. Because without these things I couldn't focus on the intense pain lurking at the edges of my life. However, through a series of misconstrued make outs (cringe) I began to realize that I was worth something more than that. I wouldn't let others beat me down. I was Libby Fuckin Trammell and I wanted love. Breakup lesson here...it hurts. Dear god it feels like someone punched a hole through your chest and you can barely get out of bed because the tears keep flowing. But, you can survive. YOU CAN SURVIVE. Just, get up. Do it for you. For your friends. Hell, do it for the dog. But get up every day and learn to live without them.
Because that's what breakups are. They're coming back from the dead and learning to livve again without that person there. That person who completed you. But, you can do it. I'm always here. 24/7. I've got tips and advice, and I can bitch-slap with the best of them :)

And sometimes, when you're ready, you'll realize there's a happy ending. But don't rush it! It'll happen sometime, and it will be amazing.
Just remember, you're not defined by your relationships. YOu're defined by you. So focus on that for a while.
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