

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hobo days 2011

Hey there everybody! I had a bitching hobo days! I got to be in the parade on a float that was combined Gay Straight Alliance and Woman's Coalition! WHOOP!

I'm currently laying in bed waiting for Austin to wake up so that we can go get breakfast. This boy is so wonderful, I'm not sure how to explain it :)

I'm really confused about something...

why do women have to shave our body hair? Like, why is it such a big deal? Think it's not? Then go to twitter and search #noshavenovember and look at what people are saying. I just don't understand. Women, why do we shave? If you're like me you started shaving your armpits and legs because everyone else was. But that seems like an awfully strange reason when you really contemplate it...

I like how smooth my legs feel when they're shaved. But I might just think that because that's how I've been conditioned to respond to that kind of I want to hear some answers. Why do women shave? What is the reason? Help me out here.

Logically, men should like hairy women. Body hair shows that we are fully grown, hormone producing, fuckable females. So...what's the dealio? I DO NOT GET IT.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sophomore year!

Well I've been crazy busy lately...being President of the Women's Coalition means I have stuff to do constantly! It's nice though...because I feel like I'm making a difference. That's important to me. I look around and see a lot of bullshit...and I know I have to do something to fix it.

I'm reading the Harry Potter books for the first time! :D I really love them so far. I think if I was in Hogwarts I would major in Care of Magical Creatures. I am just so in love with dragons! :D They really rock. Favorite character is Snape for sure. He has a lot of depth to him and is the most misunderstood character. I really love it.

I didn't get into Rocky Horror...but life goes on. I'm only sad because a lot of freshman got in and I didn't...but oh well.

Miss you guys :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Sooooo many vacations!

Oh man you guys. I've been on vacation like crazy this month! I'll tell you guys a little bit about each one cause they all rocked a lot.

I went to Duluth with Melanie and Taylor a couple weeks ago. That was totally wonderful. Vacations with my two best friends since 6th grade are always wonderful but this is the first one we've done without any parents so that was pretty fun. We went to Duluth MN and stopped in Minneapolis on the way up. That was really fun. Then we went to Duluth and hung out on the shoreline for a while. The lighthouse there is also really gorgeous. Then for Melanie's birthday we dressed up and went to a fancy Italian Restaurant. It was really great. I miss Melanie and Taylor a lot so having a whole vacation with them was glorious.

Then came Apple River about a week later! Whooo! Apple River is when the Prairie Repertory Theatre kids drive up to Apple River and tube down the river while drinking. It was so much fun. The river trip was exciting because we had about 27 tubes all attached with twine. The real excitement began when the twine started snapping though. We lost a few people and had to stop our large group until they caught up. It was so great. I lost one of my flip flops to the river pretty much right then I spent the rest of the trip asking the River Gods to return it to me and making sacrifices of beer and water. And I never got my shoe back...but it was lots of fun. Then we all got off the river into the 105 degree weather and set up camp. We were all dripping sweat and it was not the greatest. Austin and I tried to take a nap but we were really just too overheated to do anything but complain. Thank god around midnight the temperature dropped enough that sleeping became possible. Before that though we all sat around the campfire and told ridiculous stories. Jacob Hofer and I told the story of the Medacrane. That's a classic if you've been in Lincoln High School the past 10 years. Then Austin and I slept quite a bit in our tent. We named the tent the "Loveshack" cause it was little and only we could fit in it. The next morning Austin, Jacob, Aarron, Devon and I went to Perkins and feasted on delicious pancakes followed by a full day at the Amusement park in the Mall of America. It was really great to spend so much time with Austin. I liked it better when we were alone in our tent. There was one individual around the campfire who was trying pretty hard to make me feel guilty about being with Austin. And here comes the rant...and I know only this guy will understand it.

You keep comparing yourself to Snape? And I'm Lily Potter? Well guess what? Every woman makes a choice about who she is going to be with. Lily chose James. And I chose Austin. You can hate me for that. And say that I don't care. I do care. I care enough that you can still hurt me. I just don't care enough to dump Austin and date you. So please just get over it. Because you're not going to be able to ever be around me again if you can't deal with your feelings.

Anyways...I'm currently on my third vacation. With my family up in Sugar Lake. That's in Northern Minnesota. And it's totally gorgeous up here. I am feeding a chipmunk that lives on my back porch on the cabin that we're renting. His name is Flicka and he's so cute! :D

I'll write more later darlings.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Jeez it's been a while!

Sorry it's been so long since I've written guys!

Well...lots of stuff has happened. I guess the most important thing being that I have a new fella. His name is Austin, and he's wonderful! :D

I'm going to Apple River with him in a little over a week and that's pretty neat!

This summer is interesting...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Graduate

I think that 'The Graduate' is one of those movies that you had to be part of the time period to really enjoy. To me the plot seemed to drag itself out a lot longer than it needed to.

Dustin Hoffman is a very good actor, but I'm too used to seeing old Hoffman. Seeing him really young in a movie just threw me off big time. Hoffman's character starts an affair with the neighbor's wife. Then falls in love with her daughter.

I use the word 'love' loosely because he is hooked on her after one date. Which I think is total bullshit. That's a big problem that I have with a lot of movies. If the characters don't take time to build up their affection with each other than I have a hard time believing it. Which was the problem with 'The Graduate' overall. The relationships with the characters were not properly built up.

However the acting was very good, and the plotline itself was creative.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Almost done with the first year!

Well my first year of college is wrapping up...and it's kinda wigging me out. I feel like I'm super old or something? Idk...

Well, let's see here. I watched Psycho last week. Oh man that movie is SPECTACULAR. I really love it. Mostly because it has an ending that nobody sees coming. Some people think it's cheesy, but I think it's beautiful. Plus I have a major crush on Norman Bates...cause I think he's a cutie.

Psycho is also the first movie that showed a toilet flushing on screen AND it got a lot of flack when it first came out because in the shower scene you almost see some boobs. Which of course everyone has to freak out about because nobody is supposed to know what those look like...

I've been done with finals for 3 days now. Been mostly hanging out in my room watching Glee then going out at night and partying with my friends. I love Theater kids. They always make me feel like I might just be special.

Hmmmmmmmm...what else? I won President of the Campus Women's Coalition. That was actually a really big thing for me. I'm actually really worried about being able to run that group sufficiently. And a lot of girls that are older than me and in the club are uber pissed that I won it. So that creates a really tense atmosphere. Which is so not something that I need in my life. But oh well. Fighting for a cause I believe in. Even if that cause means for every step forward I take I feel like I get knocked back 2. But optimism is something I'll need to have. So I'll work on that.

Things with the breakup are sort of getting better. Nobody ever wants me to talk about I'm going to talk about it here for a little while. Yeah, it hurts. It still hurts now, even though it's been a while. I am very prone to bursting into tears if things remind me of Greg, and lately a certain mutual friend of ours can't seem to stop talking about him. But in any case I'm doing my best to keep on moving forward. Gotta say though, really dreading working with him next year. I kinda wish he would have found a different job.

Well...ta-ta for now folks.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Big girl you are beautiful

Ok. I'm just gonna say it. I'm really sick of having to worry about my weight. I'm sick of being scared that boys won't want to look at me because I have a few extra pounds dispersed all over. So here goes the fucking rant.

Dear boys,

You say you want skinny girls. But a very skinny girl has almost no boobs and no hips. Which are the defining qualities of a female body. So...when you want a really skinny chick, you're really saying you want...well a body that doesn't have female characteristics. So...a boy? Yes I have some fat on me. On my stomach and my hips and my arms and in my wonderful delicious motor-boat worthy boobs. Which I'm pretty sure most boys like. So to all those boys AND girls who say that fat is gross and that everyone has to be skinny...

go fuck yourselves

Because I really really really REALLY am sick of this bullshit. Eating disorders are at an all time high in this country because we put so much pressure on young women to be ultra skinny. Girls as young as 1st grade are starting to become anorexic and refuse to go to school because they think they're fat and don't want to have to put up with that.

So, once again,

it's not a joke. it's not a reason to laugh at someone. it's not a reason to dislike or judge someone.

Rant ended.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Oh boy...

The predicaments that I get myself into sometimes are so ridiculous I wish I could tell someone about them. But I can't. Because there is not a soul in this world I trust to not judge me anymore. I guess that should make me sad.

I can't trust anymore. That's what sucks the most. Is that everyone I know would look at me call me a slut or an alcoholic if they really knew what my life is like.

And ironically, if I told them why I'm doing these things, they would probably say 'awww I'm so sorry' or something lame like that.

Consider this my lame depressing blog post.

I miss you Greg. God I really really do. But I can't stop moving forward.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cold hearted bitch.

That's what I am it would seem. Because when the pain is too intense, I turn off all emotion. I simply shut down and become logical and borderline comatose. And I recently heard a girl who does this same thing called a 'cold-hearted bitch'. Granted, she was on a movie. But still...

It's really hard to deal with everything. And I'm sick of defining everything. I just want to have some fun! I don't wanna be always worrying about algebra and memorizing lines and handling stalkers and stopping people from finding out about me and you. Most of all I worry about you. If I'll have to give you your answers today. Answers that will destroy you. That you won't want to hear.

Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and the only way to make it better is to pretend I don't care.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Bringing Up Baby

Oh my gosh this movie is charmingly old school. Black and white with Katherine Hepburn and Cary Grant. It's about a crazy heiress who owns a pet leopard, and she falls in love with a zany museum curator. Lovely!

The leopard is real and totally gorgeous. And the love story is really charming. Both actors performed superbly and I adore it.

The characters are all portrayed really well, and I've decided that Hepburn is one of the most flexible actresses I've ever seen. After seeing her in African Queen, and then this movie I'm very much in love with her. She plays zany very well, and even though her character in Bringing up Baby should have been annoying I just found her endearingly ADD.

If you're an animal lover or a romance person watch this movie!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Sitting in class.

I'm sitting in Intro to Sociology, and oh my god it is so boring I think I might punch Michael (who is sitting next to me) just so that I have something to do.

The breakup pain is being overridden by working out. Every time I get sad or angry or upset I just jump on the treadmill. I spent 2 hours running that was good. I guess I'll just be a skinnier version of me, which is something I really want.

The new haircut is working out really nicely. I think it's pretty. Plus, it frames my face really well. And looks cute in pigtails and a ponytail! Whoo!

God I'm ignoring Sociology so badly...oh well.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Yeah, this pain is super intense. It's getting really hard to get through daily tasks. I cry a lot. Not sleeping too well either.

I love's a fun show

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh boy...

I just realized that the entry before the break up one was me talking about the adventures we'd have. if I don't have enough to cry about these days. Whatever.

I'll talk about something else. Saw King's Speech. I really prefer Black Swan! Which I was not expecting. I loved Colin Firth of course, but overall I found the movie rather boring. It was done well both costume and directing wise, but the overall plotline was underwhelming to me. Although the acting was AMAZING!

Still, I think Black Swan should have won best picture. Just saying...

I got a haircut! I won't go into details about it, cause it's cute and I like surprising people with it.

I still love Greg...and I think maybe we'll be able to work things out? I guess I'm not sure of anything right now.

It's sad to know that spring break ends on Sunday...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh wow.

yeah. So, Greg and I broke up. And, it's really freaking hard.

I'm not sure who I can talk to anymore.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Happy 14th Monthaversary!

Greg and I have been together for 14 months starting today :) I am so happy. He came up to see me and we had lunch. Twas amazing! was SDSU food so that was gross. BUT seeing him was amazing. This saturday should be fun because we're gonna have a whole day where all we do is go on dates and adventures :)

Spring break is coming down the pike. I'm really glad for it except it means a lot of midterms. D:

Sunday, February 27, 2011

African Queen!

LOVED IT! Ok, so this one is about an African missionary who has been in English owned Africa for almost ten years with her brother. When Germany and England go to war, her colony is attacked by the German, and her brother dies. Luckily, there's this old steamboat captain who is willing to take her away. They soon realize, however, that their way is barred by a giant German ship. They, being both English, decide to blow it up using the supplies that are on the steamboat. It's a really cute and fun story about how this religious uptight woman and this old alcoholic steamboat captain fall in love. I really enjoyed it! :D

My only complaint is that they fell in love awful fast...and he keeps calling her 'ole girl' which would most certainly not be on my list of things to be called. That, and for a strictly religious woman, she sure does fall in love fast and such. You'd think she'd be a little more guarded or something. But whatevers! Watch this one! It's cute.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Best Years of Our Lives

Ok. I would just like to say this: I am not anti-war when it came to the two World Wars. BUT...I think people have the right to be. And This movie really didn't like people who were anti-war.

It follows 3 veterans returning from War, coming back home to America and their everyday civilian lives. One of the them is an aging alcoholic, one is a captain who doesn't know what he wants in life, and the last one is a teenager who had his hands burned off when his ship was attacked. It sounds a little exciting, right? Not at all. I was bored, and I'll confess I even fast forwarded through parts just because I didn't care for the way the characters were behaving.

For example, Al, the older man who comes home to his wife and two kids, is dolling out presents he brought back for his kids from Japan. And he hands his son this flag and says 'I took that off of a dead Jap!' and you can tell that the audience is supposed to think that's a lovely thing to give his son. least to me, it's really not. Because he stole it off of a DEAD PERSON.

Also, the only action that ever really takes place is when the young captain punches out a man for saying that America was 'suckered into the war' and such. So, basically, it's ok to punch people that dislike the war. Or at least that's the message I got from this film.

Overall, not a good movie...but I have African Queen coming up next, and that's my Mom's favorite movie.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

All About Eve

I would recommend this movie for anyone that's involved in Theatre. It's about a woman who wants to become a star on the stage, so she begins to stalk one of the biggest stars and slowly steals her life.

It's got Bette Davis and Marilyn Monroe in it, so that was for sure a plus. It is black and white, but totally a fun watch, if only because it was one of the first movies to take the psychopath approach to a character!

And everyone loves psychopaths...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Angels in America

Angels in America was a fantastic film. Even though it's not on my list of movies, I still watched all 6 hours of it and absolutely adored it. For one thing, it portrayed Mormonism with perfect realism. As a person who has experienced and participated in that religion I know it quite well, and I'm used to movies making it out to be evil or fucked up. Well, it's not. It's just a religion, like any other religion with beliefs and morals. The only difference is that I find Mormonism, so far, to be the least hypocritical religion I've ever come across (with the exception of UCC, which is my belief structure)

But I digress. Angels in America is set in the 1980's and focuses on the AIDS crisis in NY. It blends together the Mormon belief of modern day prophets with the gay populace. I know this sounds messed up, and to some degree it is confusing, but if you watch the film it makes sense.

WARNING: there is anal sex, extremely bloody scenes, and a whole crap ton of nudity and sex. I myself was not bothered by it, but some of you might be.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Adventures of Robin Hood

I just got done watching the Adventures of Robin Hood! :D ! First, let me say that the background of this movie is interesting. Olivia DeHavilland is Marian, and she played Melanie in Gone with the Wind (which is the BEST MOVIE EVER) I have to say I liked her more in that movie. An actor named Errol Flynn played Robin Hood, and he was a famous playboy. He had a house in Jamaica, and used to play piano...with his sizable penis. Yep, you read this right. That's the rumor that makes him famous.

The movie itself was lighthearted and adorable, although I hated the costumes. Everything was super colorful and not accurate to the time period at all. I have to also say that everyone being in brightly colored tights was a little strange...

Which brings me to my next point. There were super gay all the time. There were only 2 women in the whole movie. And, oh my gosh...the men were always touching each other and jumping on each other. And spanking each other with swords...that happened a lot. Anyways, just watch it and you'll get what I'm telling you.

I really loved the love scene were Robin climbs up to Marian's window and asks if she's in love with him though. For some reason I've always been a fan of a boy smiling and saying 'you do love me don't you?!' And when she denies it he threatens to throw himself out of a window. That was cute in a suicidal way!

Well, all over I'd say if you're looking for an old school film to mock you can't go wrong with this one!

This week has been pretty good. I'm really excited for Nuts to start! :D

Last night I got pretty wasted at Jessie's house. And everyone was rating people on a scale of hot, beautiful, or cute. And everyone voted me cute! :/ I didn't like that at all. Why can't I be hot or beautiful?! grrrrrrr

And, on a side note...I am watching Gone with the Wind right now. And I ADORE CLARK GABLE. We would have been soulmates.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Whoo hoo Netfilix!

Netflix sent me the Adventures of Robin Hood, so that should be a fun Friday night flick! I'm excited to really get into the movies.

Thanks to everyone for your words of praise for my blog. To be honest, I was worried people would make fun of it or call me an idiot or something like that. It's nice to know that you guys enjoy what I write.

My rant for today is how expensive the food is on campus. I mean, I know they jack up the prices on everything just so they can make me pay for a crazy expensive meal plan, but I'm really quite sick of it. I mean, at the new Sports Grill it's six bucks for a cheeseburger. Without any add ons like fries or a soda. That costs extra! And the food isn't even good enough to merit the prices. I can't tell you how many times I've had food poisoning over the salads in the union, or bit into a chicken patty and found out it's frozen in the middle. Gross. Ugh.

Happy news! I passed my second math quiz in two days! I'm still finishing up last semester's math class, so I have a lot of homework to do in the Algebra dept...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

First Few Reviews!

I have seen some of the movies on my list. So I'll just start by reviewing them! :D

Ben-Hur was a movie that I watched in my American Film History class in High School. It's a pretty long freaking movie, and I just remember being bored by some of the plot lines. It is a very religious movie, which is why some people adore it. However, I'm not a super religious person. If you are, this movie is fantastic. If not, then I would recommend skipping it. There is one scene that is famous from the movie known as the 'Chariot Scene' where a chariot race is happening. What makes this scene so amazing is the special effects that involve quite a few graphic deaths. Usually in movies when a dummy is used instead of a real person we as viewers can automatically tell you its a dummy. This is not the case in Ben-Hur. A man gets run over by horses and a chariot and you are pretty sure somebody actually died filming that scene.

The Birth of a Nation, while important in it's own right in the history of movies, is just awful to watch as a modern day viewer. It's a silent film that glorifies the Confederacy. The good guys at the end are the KKK. And there is a lot of other plotline in there but honestly I don't care to recall it.

Well, consider those my first two very short reviews :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Kicking it off.

I went to the public library in Brookings today (love that place!) and got 3 movies. One of the movies is not on the list but I've always wanted to see it. It's Angels in America. So that's one that's not part of the list. But the other two were 'The best years of our lives' and 'All about eve' Pardon the odd capitalization. my shift button isn't working...

on a side note, I am totally in love with Gregory jensen. :) we just got off the phone and I can't imagine finding anyone like him anywhere else. he makes me laugh until i can't breathe. And he's just...I can't wait until I get to see him again



It's kind of obvious that nobody really gives a shit about what I do on this blog except Greg. So, I'm going to do the movie thing. Not for anybody else though. Just because I want to. I want to see something that makes me happy.

This is the list I'm using to determine what movies to watch:

I've seen some of them already, so I might skip a few (like Ben-Hur and Birth of a Nation...because I hated them...)

Anyhoozle, keep reading if you want!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Lol well I'm not sure how much...

I don't know who reads this anymore I guess...I don't even know if anyone does! But if you want, you can vote. I'm leaning toward the movie thing. But I might change my mind! marks the first day Jake has ever yelled at me...and it was a lot more hurtful than he'll ever know.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


So...I'm going to either watch my way through the 100 best movies of all time and blog about it. Or I'll listen to the 100 best albums of all time and blog about it. Or I'm going to read the 100 best novels of all time and blog about it...

So you guys should let me know what you wanna read.

This blog needs a purpose.

I just got done watching 'Julie and Julia' and it's a really great movie about a girl who uses her blog to diary cooking through Julia Child's cook book!I am going to try and figure out how to do something like that....

Not cooking of course. I can't even make grilled cheese. But something else. Something reading related maybe...I'm not sure. I'll figure something out. If anyone has any suggestions I'm wide open! :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Whoo hoo! Prequel!

I recently got done with a book that is set up as a prequel to one of my favorite book series! If you've ever read 'City of Ashes' or any of those books, there be a prequel! :D Only it ends with a total if those frustrate you then I warn against it.

Today was Greg and I's 13 month. We didn't do much in the way of dates. We basically lay on his bed and watched the office and snuggled. Twas very much a great evening! :D

I'm making lots of new friends in the Theater now thanks to Capers. It's odd to have so many guys hitting on me now though. Since Greg isn't around to 'guard his territory' or whatever I guess that translates into 'LETS HIT ON LIBBY A SHIT TON!' Which is flattering of course. But it just feels strange...

Hmmmm...not sure what school I'm going to next year! Whoo hoo for uncertainty! :D

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Aw shit.

Capers opened last night! And Greg and his friends came! :D It was wonderful to see him. But, also, the rest of the crowd sucked. They didn't laugh at anything and that was really upsetting to me. because it is a funny show that we've all worked really hard on. Just sayin'

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Lonely Day...

Ugh, today was a bad day. I didn't really interact socially with anyone all day. I had dinner with the guys, and even then all they did was mock my political views until I really felt like crying. I get it's a joke, but really my views are a really big part of me and I feel like maybe they could respect that. Of course views are there to be argued, but all I said was 'I don't really care for some religions because they're sexist' and oh god did the shit fly.

Fuck it. I'm so sick of this place. I'm sick of being lonely and afraid that I'm screwed up because I don't enjoy the same things everyone else does. For example, today during Capers practice everybody started playing UNO when they didn't have scenes to practice. And I just bailed. Didn't want social interaction.

How is it everyone around me can be having so much fun, and all I feel is a crushing lonliness?

I miss my friends. And I miss Greg

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

By now most of you have heard...

So, by now most of you have heard that Greg is taking a semester off from school. I will miss him a lot, but I know we can make it through the shitty times. I'm just upset because I'm going to be SO BUSY with Nuts and Capers! Like, I should have Monday the 17th off from school, but instead I'm going to be running through Capers stuff. I'm not complaining about being in shows! I'm just upset I won't have much time to spend with Greg.

He might be able to come see me though! Up in Brookings. That would be nice. And I love him so much :)

I'm glad he's taking a semester off to figure out what he wants to do with his life. Because he's like me in the way that he doesn't know what to do with his major and what nots.

Anyhoozle...come see me in plays yous guys! :D

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Easy A, and a tribute to Richard Hauffe

I love the movie Easy A. Like, a shit ton. I think it's a great movie that really shows what high school can be like for girls when they become sexually active. Or when someone even thinks that they've become sexually active. And, I love Olive Pendergast's character. I want to be her. Richard (my step dad) thinks I already am. :) which is kind of cool.

I'm looking at transferring to USD next year again...I feel so lost. It's really difficult for me. UGH. There are so many pros to staying at SDSU. Primarily the Theater department. I hear the one at USD is stuck up and bitchy. Plus, for all my efforts, I just am not a 'professional grade' theater person. I was always in it for the people, because it seems to draw in this lovely crowd of people :) As my Theater professor says 'Theater is where you go when you don't fit in anywhere else' And I love that.

So tonight I was watching Easy A with my mom and Richard. They have both never seen it before. And then Mom gets up in the middle of it and says she's going to bed. I should add that I've been waiting to watch this movie with her for a while now. But, no, she just gets up and goes to sleep. Richard however, is staying with me and watching it :) which is nice.

Richard is really fun :) I love him a lot.

He's a great step dad, and there are times when I wish he was my real dad. I guess that's unfair to my dad...but still.

Richard, whom I call Rico Bear, is a very amazing person. And it's only because of him and my mom that I believe in marriage even a little.

ANYWAYS...holla if you wanna talk. I'm going to be really lonely the next couple of months.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

How I spent my morning.

Mom and I got out our laptops and looked at future Graduate schools and such for me. And that's when I realized...that I'm not really making a lot of sense with my choices.

Going to USD makes sense. Getting a Social Work degree there makes perfect sense. Except...I don't want to. I have things that tie me to SDSU. And I just really don't want to leave.

But at the same time I do. I want to go explore other places, and see what I can do with myself. Maybe fly away to Minnesota. But none of that is relevant I guess...

I know myself and my relationships too well. I'll stay here.

Monday, January 3, 2011

bout a week left

Ok, so I have a week left of Christmas break. Ugh, and I really don't wanna go back to school. This is probably a bad sign or something. But I like living in a house instead of a shoe box. Maybe when I go back my roommate and I can redecorate our room so that it seems bigger.

Also, I think I've gained back all the weight that I lost earlier this year. So that should be fun to burn off again. But I have faith. Someday I'll be skinny-ish.

I'm happy to be in two plays when I get back to school though! That'll be cool :) Even though it means I won't be makin' many dollars...but oh wells.

Well, I love you guys. To be honest, I don't think anybody reads this anymore but me. Which I guess makes it a sad little thing. But I still enjoy it.

Growing up sucks.