So I'm back from the North Shore! It was so fantastic...aaaaaaaaaaaa I love feeling like I am supposed to be's just a really beautiful place. i would wake up most mornings and look out on the water, and...I couldn't tell where the lake ended and the sky began. Just endless, endless gorgeous blue. I felt like I float away and just be warm and happy there forever...I think maybe that's what heaven looks like...probably how heaven feels too...I went and saw the University of Minnesota there was really pretty. And seemed to have fantastic programs even if I have no idea what Major I'm gonna do. It is a very safe campus too, which is always a good thing seeing as I'd like to avoid rape if at all possible. My only problem being I'm not sure I want to be six hours away from my family and Sioux Falls. What it boils down to is a) go be near my heart in Lake Superior or b) be near my heart in all my friends. There's a lot for Libby to be contemplating...
I went to the Metro Station concert! I suprised Sean there, and his face was really adorable...he had no idea that I was gonna be there, because he thought I was coming home the next day! I loved it so's just great knowing that he missed me as much as I missed him.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
SO.....I'm in Minnesota! THE BEST DAMN STATE THERE IS MOTHA LICKAS! Or for me at least it is...I love it's great to just be around people who think like know those 'hitler powers' that all of you guys say I have? My wierd charasmatic powers? Well I've already met two women who live in Minnesota that are just like me in that respect! :D it makes me uber it's basically a big state of Hitlers! Wait...that came out wrong...
So yesterday we got to Minneapolis (my mom was already here teaching a class) and we moved into our hotel room in the Hilton hotel. Kenzi and I went swimming, which was fine, but it was way more fun creeping around on the eleventh floor....the one with the presedential suites...we tried to get in to them but alas we could not. It was still fun though.
Today we're going to switch from Minneapolis to Duluth, and on Monday I'll be looking at a college in Duluth...I'm actually pretty excited for that. I hope I can figure out what I'm my major and what have you...shit I'm just not sure at all what I want in life...except that I want to protect people...I'm thinking of being a cop...idk if I could do that or not...
Well I love and miss you all... <3
So yesterday we got to Minneapolis (my mom was already here teaching a class) and we moved into our hotel room in the Hilton hotel. Kenzi and I went swimming, which was fine, but it was way more fun creeping around on the eleventh floor....the one with the presedential suites...we tried to get in to them but alas we could not. It was still fun though.
Today we're going to switch from Minneapolis to Duluth, and on Monday I'll be looking at a college in Duluth...I'm actually pretty excited for that. I hope I can figure out what I'm my major and what have you...shit I'm just not sure at all what I want in life...except that I want to protect people...I'm thinking of being a cop...idk if I could do that or not...
Well I love and miss you all... <3
Thursday, July 23, 2009
this is my 67th post...
SO...I'm leaving for Minnesota tomorrow! And I'm super excited! I feel like my soul belongs near Lake Superior...I've never felt a connection to a place the same way I do there. It's like everytime I leave there's a little piece of my heart I leave in that lake...i don't know it's uber hard to explain...but basically it's just my soulmate in a place. Elias knows what I mean...he ran away to there and now everytime we talk about it he gets a sparkle in his eye that I recongize...lolz it's fun! However everything else Elias does is stupid so...tee hee
I'm really gonna miss you guys!
Sean: I am going to miss you so much! Hang out with Tasha and Addison and Madison as long as I'm not there to steal you from them. Lolz.
Tasha: I'LL MISS YOU TOOOOO! Ugh I'll probably just text you and stuff lolz. In fact you'll probably get lots o pics and updates of my whearabouts and whatever since I just text you through habit...
Merecedes: I was just on facebook looking at your change album. You're so gifted. Never stop doing what you love...and we'll get that turtle as soon as I come back :D
I'm really gonna miss you guys!
Sean: I am going to miss you so much! Hang out with Tasha and Addison and Madison as long as I'm not there to steal you from them. Lolz.
Tasha: I'LL MISS YOU TOOOOO! Ugh I'll probably just text you and stuff lolz. In fact you'll probably get lots o pics and updates of my whearabouts and whatever since I just text you through habit...
Merecedes: I was just on facebook looking at your change album. You're so gifted. Never stop doing what you love...and we'll get that turtle as soon as I come back :D
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I've been listening to JAZZ!
So...I'm writing while I sit here in Sean's shirt. He smells delicious! And I love it! Just like I love him. I love him while falling in love with him...he slept over again. It was so great. I just love lying there in his arms...we don't even need to be doing anything...just talking or singing or whatever. And he held me while I cried for the second time. Before he held me because of I was telling him about the first pet i had that was interesting because I didn't feel self conciense or anything. Because he was honestly not judging me for crying...and that is so great to me...
I'm helping with VBS at Rich's church, and it's really fun actually...I mean I don't think Rich and I will ever be close like we were before, which...idk I guess I can deal with. I wouldn't mind if he smoked I guess...but I dont need it done around kids who are too young to have that around them. Mainly Tasha i guess...but Jordynn is also a concern.
I love Natasha Baumgartner. She told me God loves me...and I'm starting to believe it...I mean if there's one thing worth beleiving it its love right?And she's so pretty...idc if she doesn't think so. But she's also beautiful on the inside. Her faith in people and in higher powers inspires me. Idk, just a random little paragraph there I guess...
I'm leaving in a week to go to minnesota..and I'm really uber excited! I love it there! Well actually I'm leaving in three days...but I'm still excited! :D
I love you all!
I'm helping with VBS at Rich's church, and it's really fun actually...I mean I don't think Rich and I will ever be close like we were before, which...idk I guess I can deal with. I wouldn't mind if he smoked I guess...but I dont need it done around kids who are too young to have that around them. Mainly Tasha i guess...but Jordynn is also a concern.
I love Natasha Baumgartner. She told me God loves me...and I'm starting to believe it...I mean if there's one thing worth beleiving it its love right?And she's so pretty...idc if she doesn't think so. But she's also beautiful on the inside. Her faith in people and in higher powers inspires me. Idk, just a random little paragraph there I guess...
I'm leaving in a week to go to minnesota..and I'm really uber excited! I love it there! Well actually I'm leaving in three days...but I'm still excited! :D
I love you all!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
I dont get it...
So, I realize this is my second post of the night, but that last one was strictly for Tasha! So now I'm a gonna just write about my life...
Tasha told me that if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have been able to get through all this stuff with Rich. And I remember Sean telling me the same thing with Callie...idk I guess I don't get what I'm doing...I mean I just sit there and listen to you guys talk to me and then I go 'oh gosh I'm so sorry, you'll get through this' and yeah somehow you're all grateful for it! I'm happy you are, I guess I just don't understand what I did.
Sean left for Huron for a week...sniff makes me sad! But he's getting a phone on friday, so then we'll be able to text hardcore forever! it makes me happy to think about that. But I do miss him...which of course is to say my lips miss him :)
I love you all! :D
Tasha told me that if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have been able to get through all this stuff with Rich. And I remember Sean telling me the same thing with Callie...idk I guess I don't get what I'm doing...I mean I just sit there and listen to you guys talk to me and then I go 'oh gosh I'm so sorry, you'll get through this' and yeah somehow you're all grateful for it! I'm happy you are, I guess I just don't understand what I did.
Sean left for Huron for a week...sniff makes me sad! But he's getting a phone on friday, so then we'll be able to text hardcore forever! it makes me happy to think about that. But I do miss him...which of course is to say my lips miss him :)
I love you all! :D
oh dear...
Dear Tasha,
Darling, I've just finished reading your blog, and I feel so very saddened by your pain, that I have decided to dedicate this entire blog entry to you.
You are not annoying, ugly, or stupid. You are so much fun to be around, and if you weren't then I wouldn't be around you. Trust me, I'm not very good at tolerating people I don't like. Therefore, I like you. As a matter of fact, I love you Tasha. You brighten so many shadowey times for me. All I have to do is watch you care about those around you, and my faith in the human race skyrockets.
You are so beautiful...I don't even know how to explain it to you without being creepy...but I'm going to try. You have such clear skin, it's fantastic. Your eyes are gorgeous beyond a doubt, and you have very kissable lips (I know that's creepy to say, but I said it in the desperate hope it'll help you believe it)
You're not stupid at all. You care about what people think of you and how they perceive you. It's not stupid to wonder if Rich'll ever forgive you at all. You simply want to have him back in your life, since he was such a big part of it before...and he will forgive you honey. Rich is kind of like a hair straightener right now...he's plugged in (he's ready to forgive you) he just needs time to warm up (to you again)...if that makes any sense. Give the kid some time and he'll be fine again.
I love you Tasha....and you are my gift from a higher power. You give me hope with your open and caring heart. I only wish I was more like you.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wash Pav, little boys, and broken hearts...
I worked all day today, and it was just fine. Ziggy + I got our flirt on just to make everyone we work with wonder if we're doing it in the closet when nobodys paying attention...lolz makes me giggle. I found out ziggy's girlfriend told him straightup that he's being dumped by august 1st so she can have her college experience without being tied down to him. What a bitch. He seems ok, but idk with Zig it's hard to tell. He's like Rich in that way. I never really know what's happening in that silly head of his...
So John, the manager at the Carmike I kissed, just told me tonight that he had sex in the projection booth above the theatre...gross...that place is old and yellow and stale and nasty and icky. And he won't tell me who with...that's really obnoxious. Plus his crazy ex rolled into his appt today and was all like, 'my appt is being fumigated can I stay with you?' and for reasons I can't fathom he said yes. Whatevs, boys puzzle me...
I really miss's almost a legit physical pain...i miss talking to her about stuff and hearing her say 'awwww' or make her odd annanana noise! Make libby sad...sniff sniff...
I get to spend all day tomorrow with Sean...LIBBY IS SO EXCITED! First we're gonna hang at his house, then we're going to the zoo with Madison, then we're headed to liz's b day party...should be a good time! He's really fantastic...and I am so glad to have him in my life!
Tasha: I miss you darling! Hurry back, I'M SO NEEEEEEEEDY!
Merecedes: Oh dear...don't tell John you know anything ;)
So John, the manager at the Carmike I kissed, just told me tonight that he had sex in the projection booth above the theatre...gross...that place is old and yellow and stale and nasty and icky. And he won't tell me who with...that's really obnoxious. Plus his crazy ex rolled into his appt today and was all like, 'my appt is being fumigated can I stay with you?' and for reasons I can't fathom he said yes. Whatevs, boys puzzle me...
I really miss's almost a legit physical pain...i miss talking to her about stuff and hearing her say 'awwww' or make her odd annanana noise! Make libby sad...sniff sniff...
I get to spend all day tomorrow with Sean...LIBBY IS SO EXCITED! First we're gonna hang at his house, then we're going to the zoo with Madison, then we're headed to liz's b day party...should be a good time! He's really fantastic...and I am so glad to have him in my life!
Tasha: I miss you darling! Hurry back, I'M SO NEEEEEEEEDY!
Merecedes: Oh dear...don't tell John you know anything ;)
Monday, July 6, 2009
So...I gots a new phone! My juke died today, so i scurried right on over to the verizon store and gots me a new phone! Its a blue enV 3 and it's a really great phone. I'll miss the little red girl though b/c she was my first phone plus my new one can't hold music! :( Tasha flew away to camp...and I'm a little lost without her...whenever I'm free to hang out I'm all like, 'HEY THIS IS TASHA TIME!' only she's not here lolz. So there's nobody to be awkward and loud with me! Sad day! Tasha if you read this I'M SO NEEDY! ANANANANNANANANA! (that's the typed version of the wierd noise she makes...)
Elias is back! I gotta say there's mixed feelings about that one. I mean I'm still really pissed @ him for leaving...that seemed to start the decline of Rich's sanity/happiness...which I get. If my best friend hit the road I'd probably die on the inside too...but at the same time I'm happy he's back b/c he's my friend and I missed him!
Rich wrote a semi-nice thing on his blog today...I miss gov't class too dude. And that one day you and I went sun bathing...we didn't get any tanner but it was still really cool...oh and the time we raked ur yard. Good times.
Sean slept over...and it was so fantastic. Amazing. Those words don't seem to cover it enough...but I'm going to try. Waking up in his arms made me wonder if I was dreaming, because everything EVERYTHING was perfect in a way that I never thought reality could come close to...he's so adorable when he sleeps...oh and apparently I snore...didn't know that! Lolz! Oh, and we behaved Tasha, no worries. Strictly PG13 stuff.
Merecedes, I'm so glad you've forgiven people and welcomed Christ into your life again. I think you're happiest with him that's real great! :D
I love you all (yes sir, even you.) Tasha flew away to camp...and I'm a little lost without her...whenever I'm free to hang out I'm all like, 'HEY THIS IS TASHA TIME!' only she's not here lolz. So there's nobody to be awkward and loud with me! Sad day! Tasha if you read this I'M SO NEEDY! ANANANANNANANANA! (that's the typed version of the wierd noise she makes...)
Elias is back! I gotta say there's mixed feelings about that one. I mean I'm still really pissed @ him for leaving...that seemed to start the decline of Rich's sanity/happiness...which I get. If my best friend hit the road I'd probably die on the inside too...but at the same time I'm happy he's back b/c he's my friend and I missed him!
Rich wrote a semi-nice thing on his blog today...I miss gov't class too dude. And that one day you and I went sun bathing...we didn't get any tanner but it was still really cool...oh and the time we raked ur yard. Good times.
Sean slept over...and it was so fantastic. Amazing. Those words don't seem to cover it enough...but I'm going to try. Waking up in his arms made me wonder if I was dreaming, because everything EVERYTHING was perfect in a way that I never thought reality could come close to...he's so adorable when he sleeps...oh and apparently I snore...didn't know that! Lolz! Oh, and we behaved Tasha, no worries. Strictly PG13 stuff.
Merecedes, I'm so glad you've forgiven people and welcomed Christ into your life again. I think you're happiest with him that's real great! :D
I love you all (yes sir, even you.)
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
I'm too sexy for your party!
So the post before this one was all delayed and stuff and should have been up a while ago! Sorry it's so ding dang late! :/ let's see...
Mercy and Bridget slept over last night. I love those girls! Mercy is gonna get a new lense for Rory (her camera) and then come over later and take tons of pictures! So standby for some fantastic artistic shots from the wonderfully talented Merecedes! Then today I hung out with Emily and Bridget! It was really fun actually...I love them too! Which means I love Bridget twice!
Sean's coming over tomorrow night, and probably will sleep over. Don't worry kittens it'll be utterly innocent, and I'm certainly not telling anyone who doesn't read this...too many judgemental faces! I just wanna spend a night cuddling! Is that so wrong? you can tell from my last post Sean is...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so very great! Im smiling lots just thinking about it!!!!
Natasha: I love you and hope you loved your harry potter marathon of love! We'll hang soon kiddo, no worries.
Merecedes: Love! ROOF ROOF! Is there a dog in-I WILL RAPE YOU MAGGOT!-oh...oh my....
Rich: Goodbye darling. Thanks for the good times, you've taught me so much. I think I'll miss you, but I understand what you're doing. Be safe, and remember my letter. I meant it. let's see...
Mercy and Bridget slept over last night. I love those girls! Mercy is gonna get a new lense for Rory (her camera) and then come over later and take tons of pictures! So standby for some fantastic artistic shots from the wonderfully talented Merecedes! Then today I hung out with Emily and Bridget! It was really fun actually...I love them too! Which means I love Bridget twice!
Sean's coming over tomorrow night, and probably will sleep over. Don't worry kittens it'll be utterly innocent, and I'm certainly not telling anyone who doesn't read this...too many judgemental faces! I just wanna spend a night cuddling! Is that so wrong? you can tell from my last post Sean is...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so very great! Im smiling lots just thinking about it!!!!
Natasha: I love you and hope you loved your harry potter marathon of love! We'll hang soon kiddo, no worries.
Merecedes: Love! ROOF ROOF! Is there a dog in-I WILL RAPE YOU MAGGOT!-oh...oh my....
Rich: Goodbye darling. Thanks for the good times, you've taught me so much. I think I'll miss you, but I understand what you're doing. Be safe, and remember my letter. I meant it.
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