So the post before this one was all delayed and stuff and should have been up a while ago! Sorry it's so ding dang late! :/ let's see...
Mercy and Bridget slept over last night. I love those girls! Mercy is gonna get a new lense for Rory (her camera) and then come over later and take tons of pictures! So standby for some fantastic artistic shots from the wonderfully talented Merecedes! Then today I hung out with Emily and Bridget! It was really fun actually...I love them too! Which means I love Bridget twice!
Sean's coming over tomorrow night, and probably will sleep over. Don't worry kittens it'll be utterly innocent, and I'm certainly not telling anyone who doesn't read this...too many judgemental faces! I just wanna spend a night cuddling! Is that so wrong? you can tell from my last post Sean is...aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so very great! Im smiling lots just thinking about it!!!!
Natasha: I love you and hope you loved your harry potter marathon of love! We'll hang soon kiddo, no worries.
Merecedes: Love! ROOF ROOF! Is there a dog in-I WILL RAPE YOU MAGGOT!-oh...oh my....
Rich: Goodbye darling. Thanks for the good times, you've taught me so much. I think I'll miss you, but I understand what you're doing. Be safe, and remember my letter. I meant it.
I love you too! So much! :D We NEED to hang out before I leave for camp. Call/text me! :D