I worked all day today, and it was just fine. Ziggy + I got our flirt on just to make everyone we work with wonder if we're doing it in the closet when nobodys paying attention...lolz makes me giggle. I found out ziggy's girlfriend told him straightup that he's being dumped by august 1st so she can have her college experience without being tied down to him. What a bitch. He seems ok, but idk with Zig it's hard to tell. He's like Rich in that way. I never really know what's happening in that silly head of his...
So John, the manager at the Carmike I kissed, just told me tonight that he had sex in the projection booth above the theatre...gross...that place is old and yellow and stale and nasty and icky. And he won't tell me who with...that's really obnoxious. Plus his crazy ex rolled into his appt today and was all like, 'my appt is being fumigated can I stay with you?' and for reasons I can't fathom he said yes. Whatevs, boys puzzle me...
I really miss Tasha...it's almost a legit physical pain...i miss talking to her about stuff and hearing her say 'awwww' or make her odd annanana noise! Make libby sad...sniff sniff...
I get to spend all day tomorrow with Sean...LIBBY IS SO EXCITED! First we're gonna hang at his house, then we're going to the zoo with Madison, then we're headed to liz's b day party...should be a good time! He's really fantastic...and I am so glad to have him in my life!
Tasha: I miss you darling! Hurry back, I'M SO NEEEEEEEEDY!
Merecedes: Oh dear...don't tell John you know anything ;)
Darling!!!! I'm back!! I'm sorry I have to leave! Haha.