

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

how to save a life...

Well, I would like to lose some weight ladies and's really bothering me how I look, and lately it's become an almost obession. But no worries, still eating and not vomiting or anything...just stressing about how my prom pictures will look. Because guess who the other two girls are? Skinny one and two. Melanie and Erin. Mel and I used to be the same size until she couldn't eat sugar anymore...and now she's really cutely shaped. Still curvy, but hotter. And i'm still fattish miss Libby...idk. I know I'm not obese. I just wish I looked different? it doesn't help to look at Kenzie and know she had the same genetic makeup as me...she just scored more than I. ugh. whatevers. not important i guess!

Gregory and I have a song now...tis rather beautiful! It's called The Fear You won't Fall by joshua radin. You guys should listen to's a very pretty song. you think they cry? When they look down and see how much the world has changed since they were alive? Do they weep for all the doomed possibilities and lost causes? Or do they look to the future and feel their tears dry because in the end everyone will come to them?

Hell, maybe there aren't any angels. but i think there are...I feel it sometimes...

Which brings me to my belated easter thought.

the sermon in my church on easter was about how all of the stuff he did began with love, and how that made all the difference. I liked it...I think Jesus would have been much cooler than God. Not to insult God but, it just seems so much easier to relate to Jesus. He did what he did because he believed in loving everyone as much as you can...

So I don't get the hardcore christians that say they do what he does and then hate Gays and Lesbians...what? I don't think Jesus would have minded if someone was gay...he would have had them sit down with him and eat with him anyway, the same way he did with women in a time where that was unheard of. Jesus was a feminist...he would have been a gay rights supporter too...

Just saying

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