It's weird that someone else shares my secret on postsecret. I'm not suicidal or anything, that's just how I think I'll end someday...by my own hand. Kinda fits my personality if you think about it. That way things will be my choice.
Anyhoozle, on a completely different note: SOOOOOO Sean and I seem to be fighting more then usual, all because of Ziggy...apparently I flirt with Ziggy and Elias a lot. Which, honestly, I do sometimes, but it's always just for fun. It's nice to know every once in a while how cute I am. Goodness gracious I'm sorry it upsets Sean so much...I would never act on my flirtations. I wish he'd know that. I trust him. I want the same in return. But maybe I'll blowing this all outta proportion. That wouldn't suprise me. I tend to do this...
So...I've been hanging with Rich & Ziggy lots. And Rich's friend Caleb. Who drives me nuts and kinda annoys me but hey, what are you gonna do?
Anyhoozle, I love you all!
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