So I was @ church today, and I had a notebook in my lap, as is my custom when forced to attend church against my will. I was looking at the giant projection screen and there was this rather abstract drawing, and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what I was seeing in it. This was probably because I was a bit distraught.
Sean hung out with Addison last night, and I found this bugged me more then I thought possible...mostly because the fact that Addison was and is still so utterly happy when he broke my heart really pisses me off. I'm happy now, I am, but the unfairness of the universe is still a very big certainly irks me.
So I was writing this poem, because that's what I do a lot when I am overcome with uncontrollable emotion. I won't repeat the poem, because I doubt anyone here would care...but basically once I got done with the peom, I looked up at the projector again and I saw what I'm certain was there all along, I just didn't see. It was the virgin mary...and the sermon was bout being kind to others. I think this is some higher power's form of telling me that I need to forgive's very difficult though....
idk...just some thoughts
I would care libby, and I'd really like to hear your poem...