

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Response

I agree with the latest post from 'Slip into My Barrier'. As usual he's pretty much pegged down with words feelings that the rest of us can't even begin to describe even with emotions...

Love and hate are related, and I think it's because they are the two most prevalent emotions that are close to us. Humans are easily devoured by either of them, and the come from the same spot.

As for the Venn Diagram theory, in this I agree...and the main thing that ties the two together, or is 'in the middle' of the diagram, it's name is passion. We love passionately and we hate passionately. And passion is born of the heart. So does this mean hate comes from the heart? Well, tag Slip Into My Barrier. Answer me that.


  1. I actually do think so. Because you're spot on with the whole passion thing.. I couldn't quite think of it, but you nailed it for me. So, since both love and hate are from passion, they both must come from the heart. We all know love come from the heart.. And if you, or anyone for that matter, really think about it, then hate honestly is a strong word. People can't just hate anyone or everyone; there's got to be a strong emotional reason for someone to hate. Whatever that person did to get true hate from someone, the majority of the time they were probably connected to the hater... So, whether someone's hated because of how they hurt someone, or if they're hated because you just can't stop loving them, no matter how hard you try--- The physical feeling you feel from love and heartbreak, is right there when true hate is there.

    Peace <3

  2. You shush, Mercy :P
