Eh...life isn't that bad!
I mean I have a friend who just got dumped hard core by a girl that he legitely cared about, and he really needs me...I mean just to talk to...I'm not even sure I'm helping but he seems to seriously need someone right now and none of his other friends are even aware of how bad he's hurting. On top of that I'm pretty pissed at the girl who dumped him...which I think is pretty unfair of me...oh well I'll get over it...in the mean time we're both in the theatre two show.
Which looks like it's a-gonna suck....bad writing combined with a 30% acting rate is not a good sign. It's a children's show, so it's not like it even really needs to be fantastic...but still i'd at least like to be proud of what I'm doing, ya know? I'm a queen. Not even an evil queen....just a really boring Julie Andrews style queen who kicks her kids out when they won't clean their rooms.
I'm doing good w/o a boyfriend...I mean I'm still horny as fuck but whatevs....
OH AND ABOUT THIS PIC...lol yeah this is just spinsters!
from the left it is:
Rich (Of course looking dashing as always)
Natasha B (Rich's 'date'/ best friend/my 'little sister', and no she didn't actually wear that boa)
Becca Mundt (My friend/The gal elias prefers to me)
ME! (LOL i didn't wear that hat it was just there and i wanted to wear it)
Elias (Black man AKA my sorta date but not really....)
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