I'm starting to lose my faith in people. I mean, when we're little we're taught that there's good people and bad people. And the good people, they treat others with kindness and they always lend a dollar to anyone who needs it. And they don't lie or cheat or steal, and if they do it's always for a good reason...and the bad people...idk they do the opposite....
But that's not how it works is it? I mean you get to know a person, and you think that without a doubt they are a good person. Like, a boy who writes you songs and tells you he loves you. A boy who calls you everyday just to tell you that he can't stop thinking about you. A boy who you knew, and I mean KNEW would always be in your life, even if it wasn't the way you thought...then that same boy as it turns out was lying. About everything. And now he tells you how desperate and whorish you are instead...
Or how about a girl who you love that never fails to make you see that God does in fact exist, because nobody could doubt it after they talk to her. And this girl, who loves unconditionally, starts to do some things that are just a little shady. And you can't save her...and here's the irony. Her unconditional love, and her unwillingness to judge or condemn others turned out to be her downfall because that's why she hangs out with the druggies that she does...because she has a heart made of gold...
is that what society does to us? Takes our special loving traits and fucks us over with them?
I was regaining it...I was starting to think, 'hey, there's good people!'
There was a boy that I thought maybe could change my mind. But I guess today he made some really fucked up choices...
I didn't kill myself in middle school because of a boy. His name was Taylor. He's still a good person. I've never seen evidence of otherwise...but hey, if nobody else is good how can he stay that way right?
I know it seems like i'm ranting. And I am. I'm just upset...so upset...
Please don't forget that I love you all. Despite your flaws...maybe that's what makes us good people...love despite flaws....
but then what about the rules that have drilled into me as a child about abusive men? How if they hurt me, then I should pack up and move on. How much pain are we to take from someone before I leave? I NEED ANSWERS...but I guess shit like this isn't something somebody else answers for you now is it?
and the picture on top says in braille, 'I think humans would have been better off without eyes'
I love you libby, and I'm sorry...
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry...
But, I just... I don't know.
Please remeber, though, that I love you, and I always will. No judgments, no sarcasm.
I love.