So addison has basically proven he hates my guts. I sent him a message at 1:30 in the morning last night...or this morning...telling him how much I hate him and how upset I am b/c he didn't switch his weekends around with me to go to winter formal, but he is for spinsters with Hope. So now I'm like...'oh what a fucker. This is what he replied:
first of all hate is such a strong word but i guess i wouldve seen where you came from with this but you also should realize that honestly u at this point are absolutely nothing in my book. if you think that u were my end all be all everything ill never find anyone else in the world kuz ur the one? thats kinda funny. im getting outta sd as fast as possible so that i kan live the life i want to live. i did kare. i dont anymore. i didnt make u kare about me. you kould of left me and i woulda been sad but i wouldnt send these stalker messages to you or tell you that i would be pissed off kuzr ur happy. i would understand. plus even if i were change shit around on weekends i kouldnt of. i was grounded. now im not. plus im not with you. the moment you figure that out will be the moment u get ur own life instead of sending ur minions out to do ur dirty work for you while u sit bakk and watch my life fall apart? ur funny. nevermind no ur just desperate. oh and hows ignoring me going? i guess u had to stop ur sherade sooner or later. i hope i die. i hope i die soon and young and not with you.
he's right. everything he said was right...great...
first of all hate is such a strong word but i guess i wouldve seen where you came from with this but you also should realize that honestly u at this point are absolutely nothing in my book. if you think that u were my end all be all everything ill never find anyone else in the world kuz ur the one? thats kinda funny. im getting outta sd as fast as possible so that i kan live the life i want to live. i did kare. i dont anymore. i didnt make u kare about me. you kould of left me and i woulda been sad but i wouldnt send these stalker messages to you or tell you that i would be pissed off kuzr ur happy. i would understand. plus even if i were change shit around on weekends i kouldnt of. i was grounded. now im not. plus im not with you. the moment you figure that out will be the moment u get ur own life instead of sending ur minions out to do ur dirty work for you while u sit bakk and watch my life fall apart? ur funny. nevermind no ur just desperate. oh and hows ignoring me going? i guess u had to stop ur sherade sooner or later. i hope i die. i hope i die soon and young and not with you.
he's right. everything he said was right...great...
heh... know what IIIIIIII think..????? that last part could totally get him put in a mental health center. Trust me. i know :] <---- Idk why i put a smiley there. whatevs :P love you libby! his kneecaps are mine :D