Looks like I'm going shopping with my Mom today...lol that's how crazy my weekends can be! OH GOSH!
Yeah, I was uber upset in my last blog...but with good reason...and honestly, I hope he reads that blog b/c maybe it'll wake him up just a little bit. I love you dude. Don't forget that please. But if you can't forgive me, then that's your own loss. I'm a powerful ally when it comes to recovering from the loss of something dear to your heart. It's not my fault you refuse to recover....
Which brings me to my first point of this blog....
Why is it that when we get dumped, we retreat behind 'the front lines' of love, and don't leave again for some time? Why is it easier to hide, and just ignore our being alone, then to get back out there and fight for love? Gosh....idk....it's wierd isn't it? You'd think we'd be like , 'CHARGE!' considering things need to be forgotten...but maybe that's a rebound....
So...rebound are what...? A brief skirmish, as opposed to the all out war that is love? Wierd....I'm just thinking out loud here btw, no need to try and make sense of any of this....
I found this really cool quote in a book I'm reading....
For one human being to love another is perhaps the most difficult task of all, the epitome, the ultimate test. It is that striving for which all other striving is merely preparation
-Rainer Maria Rilke
WOW I LOVE THAT QUOTE...ponder it guys....
my only comment is that you've all passed the test. Because you have love in your hearts :)
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