She read the note, hardly believing what she read...
There comes a time in every relationship where the couple stops talking so much. They only talk occasionally, and when they do it's just to make a witty quip, or to talk about love and death. And I think we've reached that point...I'm not happy in this relationship anymore...I want to go hang out with my guys, and get away from you once in a while. So it's up to you. Make a decision.
She read the note again. Three times. It hardly seemed real. But it was. Fuck him. That was all she could think while she felt the pain start. She'd felt it before. She knew how it would make her hollow and unfeeling...she knew every step...and she knew that she probably wouldn't make it...
It had been months since she'd fallen, as she put it. She'd stumbled and hit the ground because she hadn't been keeping her eyes open to what was happening around her. She should have known Avery was a bastard. But it seemed she hadn't learned her lesson. Because she still loved him. There were other boys she liked, but they didn't return the sentiment.
Andrew was the biggie for a while, but his obvious preference for freshman girls who were thinner then Jessie every hoped to be, she'd all but lost hope on that account.
There was Seamus, who made her feel happier...but he was a freshman himself...and so inaccesable. Jessie figured he wasn't getable either.
Which left her seemed that's how things were gonna be for a while....
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