I really love the 'oh shit!' moment this picture represents...like, can you imagine what that surfer is thinking? I read somewhere it was actually a dolphin...but when you think it's a shark it makes it just that much better!
I'm watching 'The Office' right now and I forgot how much I really loved this show lolz. I wish Jim and Pam could just be together already! Except I heard that they do actually get married in the most recent season but still!
Homecoming was pretty fun today! It was cowboy/southern belle day and I really loved it. I wore my mom's cowgirl hat and shoes plus her fringy leather jackety thing...it was actually really funny! I enjoyed it! Tomorrow will probably be the only time I wear anything resembling shorts to school because I hate them that much...well actually I hate my legs, and shorts show them! So, this is a dilemma...but I'll just hope that nobody comments on how wierdly hideous I am...???
It's fictional crush time ladies and gents!
This is Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer! He is the very first heart throb you see when you watch the television show...and if you're like me and a total freakazoid and you follow his television career, you know he now stars in 'Bones', which is really coolio...and anyways Angel is really fun because he is the only vampire with a soul in the entire show! Well, he's not but I can't spoil the storyline! I fell for Angel because he was the cutie on my favorite show, but also because he did this whole 'Oh wow I'm a vampire and I deserve to suffer' thing and it was just really cute...so yeah in this instance I fell for the emo guy! But a vampire emo, so maybe that's better?
Lolz, ok I love you guys!
Jim and Pam are getting married TOMORROW!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteDavid Boreanaz is the SHIIIIIIIIT sonnnnnn.