

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I woke and dreamt I was dying of thirst
My drink is life
Vivid, terrible, sunshiney life
Breaking your heart with its beauty
Each star shines with it
Some faraway bliss
You cannot quite grasp
Little more then fantasy is the world
How you see
Do you perceive? Myself? The world?
Each tilt of the Earth can land us on our heads
Stay afloat, tread water,
Stare at the stars...

Poems keep bubbling out of me like that...I don't know if they're even any good but I enjoy writing them at least...they give me peace where I usually find exhaustion. At that part of my brain that I don't completely understand, and I don't ever want to! The mystery is mystical...

So, today Arbogast snapped at me in front of everyone in the little theatre during critiques. Wow. I got SO PISSED and then I realized that Hey Guess What? Arbies isn't the same person she was when I first decided I loved her...really, she's become a different person. And I miss the fun one that I could trust with my problems...idk...she seems to be more power hungry and full of shit. I blame her boyfriend. You guys know who I blog of...yeah. He's changed her. And I'm sick of D, hagg, and arbies fighting all the fucking time. You know what? You guys are adults!!!! Get the fuck over it. Seriously! LEARN TO SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS! Ugh...really???!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?! I'm seventeen and I solved a fight with Merecedes (also seventeen) in an hour...seriously!

I had dinner with Ziggy tonight at the diner. It was supposed to be his and Sarah's one year today, so he needed some cheering up. So, I listened to him talk about her for about two and a half hours, and talked him through some of his depression. You're a strong capable person Zig, and I know you can do it!

So yeah, then we walked around downtown for a really long time and talked about life and stuff. Zig, I dont think you'll ever be able to understand how much you help me just by talking me through my problems! Especially since you have a new perspective on just about's always fun. Lolz, and that fountain was pretty funny! You know what I speak of! :D

Lolz, well I love you AAAALLLLLLLLL

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