Lolz, I really love this picture actually...I'm adorable here, not gonna lie. It was LHS spirit day by the way, I didnt just decide to randomly paint my face those colors...
So, today Sean was sick. But then again, so is about one third of Lincoln...seriously. Marching band alone is missing 40 students! Is that not craziness? Ugh, not going to lie I'm really terrified of swine flu. Seriously, I feel like I could cry. Would you like to hear my ridiculous irrational fears? Well, here they are:
1. Someone at Lincoln will die of it. Then mass chaos will ensue...
2. It's a zombie virus. Seriously. Don't laugh at me. I have an apocolapse fear. If it's played in a comedic light, like Zombieland was, then I'm fine, but during the commercials for movies like '2010' then I will literally start hyperventalating....I REALLY CANT TAKE IT! ugh...it's not even my own death either. It's the idea that EVERYONE I ever knew or saw or talked to or loved would be gone. Every single one. Yeah, that shit is scary lolz...
So, yeah those are my issues....glad I told you? ;)
Tonight I went with Josiah (Ziggy) to the Washington Pavilion and did the "Simply Electric" demonstration for the major donors of the Pav...it was kinda nerve racking, but they really loved it and eventually Zig and I put on a hell of a show. But, then I got a parking ticket because I was parked twenty mins before when i was allowed to. Oh shit. So sorry dumbass officer. Lolz.
WELLLLL, I love you guys! :D
If you get Swine Flu...or sick in general, I'm going to bring you Chicken Noodle Soup and Good Earth Tea. Those usually tend to make me feel better, Tea more than Soup. And I'll bring you Sean ; significant others always make one feel better.