So, today I drove to school in Brio :) Only...there's just a teensy problem...you see, Brio, though adorable, as you can plainly see in this photo, is, in fact, not at all water proof. I get dripped on ALL THE TIME! when I drive her...ugh. And my mom doesn't believe me...well hey whatever I only have to put up with that bullshit for another year. :)
I'll miss so many of you when I leave though...but that's a different blog for the future!
So, anyways after school I went to work at the KSDC, and it was first free friday, which means admission is freeeeeeeeeeeee! Except that means that my life, for those five hours, very much resembles hellish regions. Lolz. It was cool though. Made some cash and all that jazz. Got to work with Ziggy, which is always a treat. Except Paige got angry at me because Zig and I would rather talk then work. ;) that's how i always am! And then Alex proposed to me with a pipe cleaner ring and a paper cobra to put on my Egyptian headdress (the theme for tonight was Egypt). Only then Ziggy decided he could beat alex and made me a better ring, with a pom pom jewel and all that fancy stuff! Lolz...and then after work Ziggy, Sonya, and I went to the diner for milkshakes....it was a good day actually.
So, I'm starting to get pissed at people. You know, just because I talk a lot doesn't mean I'm not capable of keeping my mouth shut if it's gonna kill someone on the inside. A little trust would be nice folks. If it's a secret, I can keep it...ugh.
And as a side effect of my being gone, I wasn't there for the first two runthroughs of the Variety Show at LHS. I'm the student director, and I couldn't be there. You know what the director told me? "that's fine! I have Kiki." Ugh. Kaleigh fucking Fletcher. Everyone in tech hates her...and I feel bad that I just ditched them with her...she's such a bad christian. there's two kinds, and she's the shitty kind. UGH!
So....fictional crush time? yes, yes I do believe so! :D

Yeah, I'm guessing none of you are really suprised on this one...LOLZ. Oh wow. So, when Jack Sparrow got eaten by the Kraken in the second POTC movie, I actually went into a clinical depression. I didn't get out of bed or anything...it was terrible! It was because I adored POTC's world more then my sick, sad reality...I get lost sometimes between the real world and the fiction I read...it's really not a good thing...however at this point I was still pretty young...or young by my standards. I was a way different person before my sophmore year in High School. I call it my pre-boys self...cause Heintz and Binger changed me...yeah...if you need a refresher on my boyfriends over the years I blogged about them in one of my April posts entitled 'Not Sure Why...' It's a good one! even has pictures! Lolz.

Well...that's all for now folks!
I love your shitty car so so much.