

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Three strikes you're out...

OH WOW. So I've had three offers to go drink tonight and all of them have been more tempting then I could ever tell you...Elias had my favorite stuff! Stupid promises...READ THIS ZIGGY?!?!? The more you don't smoke, the more I don't drink! It's a fun mutual stress inducer. Lolz, since I know you and I will be terrible to put up with without our vices to calm us down...maybe we'll have to actually learn to deal with our stress using healthy methods?!?!? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :)

So, looks like I'm sophing Natasha, John, and Sean and froshing Kenzi, Cora, and Lisa! :D Should be a fun time!!!!!!! Only I can't divulge any secrets of what we're going to do to them...tee hee.

So, for the first time in my life, I find that I CANNOT write a good story. At all. Not even a semblence of a good one. Mr. Bogart is going to hate me tomorrow because I won't have anything for him...or worse he just won't care because I mean nothing to him. And I want him to be like, 'oh damn it I wanted to hear those poetic words only Libby can produce!' Eh, whatever. No point to it anyways.

I love you all! G'night!

P.S. Hey, you're beautiful

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