

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

SIGH...oh dear...I'll say some words

I hope they ease your aching soul dear one. I know it's not the same situation. God knows, it never is...but the questions don't ever cease. You're the only one that can stop them. They worm their way into your brain and shatter any feelings of comfort...things like 'what did I do wrong? Was I just not a good enough girlfriend to him? Is it because I wouldnt fuck him? What makes her so goddamn special?'

Yeah...there aren't a lot of people who have any semblence of knowledge when it comes to the pain of being betrayed by one you've let into your heart. It feels like they looked around and said, 'hey this is nice, but I'm gonna fuck it up and leave, k?'

Oh goodness girly...let me attempt to ease the cutting confusion, if only temporarily...

1. She's not better then you...nobody is. We're all on an equal playing field here.
2. It is NEVER NOR WILL IT EVER BE YOUR FAULT! Even if you think, 'well if i'd made him happier.' well guess what? He should have ended it if he was unhappy. Instead of commiting an act of betrayl, he could have at least broken your heart in an easier way...
3. Life is not fair dear...because as I'm sure you've come to realize, this is the plain and bare truth of it:

You did nothing wrong. You were there for him, and you loved him the best way you knew how, and SHE (be it whomever) took him away. SHE is the one who committed a crime of society and courtesy, and she's the one who gets the prize. Him. And everyday we get to live with this knowledge that life fucked us over, when we, quite literally, only loved...

There is comfort in this however...the knowledge that if he is capable of that...well then we dont want him. Ok, we do want him, and the craving for his attentions will take a while to wane, but then you'll start to realize...he made a major mistake in letting you slip past. And the worst way of getting back at him is to try and move on. Don't waste your time trying to win him back. Once a cheater, always a cheater. Lol...I should know...

I hope I helped...refer any questions directly to my cellular! :D

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