
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Copying Rich....
There comes a time in every relationship where the couple stops talking so much. They only talk occasionally, and when they do it's just to make a witty quip, or to talk about love and death. And I think we've reached that point...I'm not happy in this relationship anymore...I want to go hang out with my guys, and get away from you once in a while. So it's up to you. Make a decision.
She read the note again. Three times. It hardly seemed real. But it was. Fuck him. That was all she could think while she felt the pain start. She'd felt it before. She knew how it would make her hollow and unfeeling...she knew every step...and she knew that she probably wouldn't make it...
It had been months since she'd fallen, as she put it. She'd stumbled and hit the ground because she hadn't been keeping her eyes open to what was happening around her. She should have known Avery was a bastard. But it seemed she hadn't learned her lesson. Because she still loved him. There were other boys she liked, but they didn't return the sentiment.
Andrew was the biggie for a while, but his obvious preference for freshman girls who were thinner then Jessie every hoped to be, she'd all but lost hope on that account.
There was Seamus, who made her feel happier...but he was a freshman himself...and so inaccesable. Jessie figured he wasn't getable either.
Which left her seemed that's how things were gonna be for a while....
Monday, April 27, 2009
Crying, sobbing, drowning, dying....
Lights cast shadows that are inescapable
They fall over me, blocking out the sun
I ride the merry go round, bleeding with each turn it takes
My skin parts, and I watch the red that spills out
It is my angel that rejects food so she can be like everyone else
It is my freshman that breaks his own heart
It is a boy who I once thought Rich, who turned out to be a slave to his own selfish wants
It is a struggling middle school self
A girl who swore she would never again change
She would force the world to take her as she was
And fuck the rest of em
My blood pools at my feet
My knees give out, and I am done
With life
with love
with meaning
higher powers never meant for things to be this way
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Things that Have been bugging me:

Ok, so as of late, in case you guys couldn't tell, I've been pissed. Uber pissed about everyone and everything and AAAAAAAAAA
I'm a gonna make a list. and hopefully it'll help to ease me aching heart....
1. I have a crush on two unattainable guys, who so aren't interested in me
2. I hate the play I'm in...
3. I'm really disapointed in Rich...not because of his kissing that chick. I don't care what he does with his tongue. But more because...idk I thought he would take better care of tasha....
4. I'm low on sleep all the time...
5. I'm pissed at life. At love. oh, here we go, i feel a rant coming on....
WHAT DID I DO? What did I do to deserve getting just totally ripped inside out by him? I DIDN'T EVER HURT YOU ADDISON. FUCK YOU! Fuck it! I'm still in pain! I CAN'T LET GO AND IT'S SO PAINFUL. I feel like a kid who has a lit candle in her hand, and the wax keeps dripping down her hand, and it's hot so she knows she should drop it, but it's such a pretty candle....
I didn't ever cheat on him, or put him second. I did everything right. But i still got fucked. What's the point of trying in life if you get fucked in the end anyway?
ugh i can't handle it.
6. Sean is dying on the inside. He's slipping away and I can't help him, and I wake up at night screaming from nightmares where he's killed himself.
I can't handle it. I feel so angry and upset and ready to cry all the time.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Addison: I miss. I hate. I loved. I HURT. He hurt much...and it scares me knowing how far I'd go to hurt him back...
Sean: Makes me feel happy. Makes me feel taken care of. Except for when he shuts down...which happens about once a week but when it does it devastates me. He's off limits because he's addison's best friend. Because he's a freshman. Because...idk because he's not over Callie and I refuse to live in her shadow...
Elias: Yeah...that's a if I could keep his attention for fifteen minutes....
Nameless guy: KEEPS FUCKING PISSING ME OFF. I've liked this guy, for more or less, since last year...and every time he flits off to fool around with another girl my heart hurts a little. I know I'm not good enough for him. I know that I'm just not his type...and that hurts so much. I think it's like Ashley and Scarlett in Gone With The always love what you cant understand...and oh god I just can't understand this guy...there's times when he's so like an adult that I'm utterly convinced he could take care of me...then there's times when he's SO FUCKING STUPID...he's just so dumb that I can barely believe he's even how old he is...ugh
I'm in pain...always...forever? I sure hope not
Saturday, April 18, 2009
1. I'm incapable of happiness if I'm not in a relationship
2. I'm desperate to be happy, which it turn makes me desperate for a relationship, which is pathetic
3. I haven't done anything worthwhile this year
4. I have crushes on all the wrong guys, many of whom wouldn't notice if i hung myself right in front of them
5. I really like unavailable guys...
6. Fuck life. Fuck it. Fuck Fuck Fuck FUCK!
ugh i don't feel happiness much...
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Rhett Butler and Scarlett O'Hara...

Rhett and Scarlett...they're terrible for each other, and totally destined to utterly destroy each other because they only love each other when the other doesn't return it...sound familiar anyone? ;) pay attention here boy...
Recently a friend of mine expressed his desire to be with a girl that is too young for him...I say fuck it. IF YOU'VE FOUND SOMEONE YOU CAN BE HAPPPY WITH, YOU NEED TO GO FOR IT! Take it from a lonely girl. Love is far too precious to waste, and if the world is going to judge you on who you love, well then the world isn't worth listening to. Because love is really the one thing we should never pass judgement on. It's too precious...
sorry if that didn't make sense to anyone, it was specifically designed for someone...tee hee...
Monday, April 13, 2009
Not Sure Why...

I'm beginning to think nobody reads this I'm thinking I'm gonna run through my ex's...try to break things down if only for myself...starting with the most recent working me way back...ok? cute!
Addison Avery. He's the really gorgeous one in the middle...and if anyone who reads this has listened to my heart for any span of time this year...well he's the main attraction I guess..
I sincerly cared about Addison. I'm not sure I loved him...I think he expanded my mind, helped me to see the world through less conventional eyes. He picked up the mess that I was and helped me figure out myself again.
And here's the kicker: He dumped me through a note. So I'm thinking...yeah...I didn't mean as much to him as he did to me. I'm starting to except that as fact though.
1. Freshman
2. Immature
3. Not capable of the love I need from someone
4. Constantly grounded
LESSON I LEARNED: I learned to love myself. I learned that having the guy that everyone else wants IS NOT fun for me. And I learned to look to the guy's past to see how he'll treat you. I AM NOT an exception. I am another girl. He will treat me the same way.

Eric Binger...yeah that's him and me on prom night...good times actually! I've kissed those lips more times then anyone's funny to know that about someone...
I LOVED eric...he was the center of my universe the entirety of sophmore miracle. God I still light up whenever I think about the happy times with us. He knew me a lot better then anyone else will ever know.
Seven months. I was happy for six and a half of them. Things ended b/c he was going to college and I realized that eventually he would want to get married. And I knew I couldn't do that. I am not the marrying before I graduate college kind of girl. So I ended things.
Two weeks in bed and pounds of tears later I finally left my bed...I've never been that hurt in my entire life. You have no idea.
1. Too old
2. Honestly...I think I loved him too overwhelmed me..
LESSON: I'm capable of loving...of caring about a person to the point where every thought I have is for them first and me second. And I learned how to function in a relationship. I learned to love.

OK, Matt Heintz was my first 'official' boyfriend...he's the nerdy looking one who's in the red shirt on the end closest to the camera...
And the reason I couldn't find a better pic of him is because finding this one on facebook was enough of a's literally the last picture of him there...
Matt and I dated right before me and eric did. For three months. He was four years older then me, but he was mormon so there was no pressure on the sexual front. Things just dissapated because I had fallen for Eric before I could stop things with Matt.
He left for his mission almost a year ago. It's this thing that mormon boys go on once they turn eighteen. In short, he's gone with no contact for two years. I miss him a lot actually...talking to him always made me feel centered. But he's gone now. Claims I shattered his heart, and he doesn't want to talk to's funny...I did to him exactly what Addison did to me...paybacks a bitch..
1. Eric
2. Idk...I miss him everyday...
Do not EVER date someone right after you wrap up another relationship. You wound that person a lot...

This is me...My name is Libby Trammell...and in my life I have loved three boys. They didn't always love me back, and sometimes I didn't deserve it even if they did...
Not sure why I did that..
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Some Questions To Ponder On Your Weekend...
1.) If you love someone, and you break up, where does the love go?
2.) How can you tell if a person is a good person?
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009
Not Smart Enough...Not Good Enough...Not Whatever Enough....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Great Gatsby....