

Thursday, November 12, 2009


So, I was reading all my blogs from earlier and...I guess I would like to know where the hope is. Where is the hope that I'm going to be ok? What happens to the love that I have for someone?

How do you know it's true love? How can you be sure?

Can you guarantee me some solace? Some safety from this place in my heart that is so confusing?

Is it terrifying that I don't feel anymore? I've shut it down. No more feelings for that boy. He'll only hurt me more. So, I turned it off. Don't know what the effects will be yet....

Being numb is sometimes the only way to survive...


  1. Libby, Libby, Libby, Libby, Libby.

    Life and love just seem to follow the same course, huh? You find someone. You feel as if they are absolutely perfect for you. Then things get sour.. And they just go from sour to shitty to something completely worse altogether. That's the way it goes. That's how it went for me, that's how it goes for so many people.

    But. I have that solace you seek. Or, at least, I hope it will help you..

    You will encounter 'true love' so many times. And, in retrospect, you'll say that it was, alas, not love at all. You'll have doubts, you'll go numb, you'll shut out a whole lot. I wish I had realized what I'm about to reveal to you a lot sooner. It would've saved me so much hurt and heartbreak..

    Maybe not every, but most of the relationships you've been in WERE 'true love.' Let me rephrase.. They were a PART of 'true love.' The "True Love" that you shall someday find, and I know you will, love. [: Those relationships taught your heart how to love and grow and handle all the things life will throw at you. They shall help you overcome the difficulties that you shall enevitably face when you do find that one special person. You were meant to be with the people you've been with.. They've helped you become the wonderful, amazing, beautiful person I know today. And that's what shall make you so absolutely perfect for the person you're meant to be with in the end. I can promise you that.

    I know there is someone out there meant for you. Someone that can handle all that love you carry and are capable of handing out at the slightest urge. [: That's what I love you for, darling.

    Please, PLEASE don't do what I did.. I shut a lot of people out. Cut myself cold to the world. It only hurt me and those I isolated myself from. Had I known this little detail, I would've grown so much easier in my maturity, love; in my life. Have faith, dear.

    Until that someone comes along, I'll always love you. [: I'm here whenever you need.


  2. Good.

    If you're numb, This will hurt a lot less.

  3. No one can hand you the answers.
    The hope.
    The meaning of it all.

    You just need to keep moving.

    I know it sounds shitty, but that's life sometimes.

    But then you have your friends and such to help you get through the shitty times.
    So I love you!

    haha I dunno if that helped at all because all of my views on life have gotten so fucked up.

    You know you can call me though any time. (:
