

Saturday, September 22, 2012


Well I think the breakup with Austin is getting easier. I find that I only think about him like 4 or 5 times a day now instead of constantly. He recently told me that he's not talking to me for a week. Because he needs to think. So hopefully things will get better for him. I went to a NARAL pro choice training today. That was really fun and I learned a lot about how to effectively argue pro choice values. Plus I learned how important blogs can be for stress relief. On a side note: Kevin and I have been fighting lately. A lot. And today he finally apologized and then offered me a ride on his motorcycle. I know it sounds super stupid but I'm not ready to let him into my life fully yet. He's been a huge asshole. But he is trying to be better now.

Monday, September 3, 2012


I think if I ever decide to write a book about my life the chapters will be strange. Because sometimes I feel like the person I am, and my choices in life are so often dictated by who I am dating. If I named the chapters they would be called Matt, Eric, Addison, Sean, Greg and Austin. And there's a different Libby for each one. So then, who is Libby when she's not with anyone? I think it's time to find out. I'm really scared. Of being alone and unwanted and unattractive. But I'm excited at the same time. There's a freedom here I haven't felt in a while. And I want that. I have Senate and CWC. I have classes and two jobs. I won't be bored.